True ECN Broker vs Not True ECN Broker - page 3

Leonard Luwawa Kativa #: I want to ask,you can find a broker in your mql5 by creating in freelance? 
If you are unable to search for a proper broker on your own, either via Googling or contacting regulatory services, then you should not be trusting others to do it for you and perhaps even falling for a broker scam. In fact, if you can't do it on your own, then you should not be trading at all.
Leonard Luwawa Kativa #:
I want to ask,you can find a broker in your mql5 by creating in freelance? 

Do you want to create an order in Freelance to ask someone to find the broker for you for your money?
I am not recommending that.

You should find and select the broker for yourself. Besides, it is always related to some other particularities such as the lincense (which brokers should/may have or not) to collect money from the people, symbols to trade and more (all the symbols to trade, trading account and money for trading, and the condition to open trading accounts - all of them are related to the brokers only). If some government of some country is not providing the lincense for the broker (if your govermment is not recommending you some brokers to use) so you can look at the other government (in the US law/regilations as NFA or CFTC for example).

So, it is difficult process to select a broker and you should do it by yourself without asking any "agents" to help you with that.

A real ECN broker should also provide a completely transparent platform from which traders, banks, and institutions may compete with various offers and bids. If such a platform does not exist, you are most likely not dealing with a reputable ECN broker.