the fast way to find a duplicated items in array




can someone tell me what is the fast and best way to find a duplicated/or more items in array in MQL4 ?



sort the array and compare the neighbours
Use array sorting and find if a value is duplicated. Easy with loops.
Rohi Finish:



can someone tell me what is the fast and best way to find a duplicated/or more items in array in MQL4 ?



Use my function.

* Returns most repeated value from array
* @param double array
* @return double
double GetMostRepeatedFromArray(double &arr[])
   double unique[] = {};
   double hits[] = {};
   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(arr); i++)
      int index = ArrayFind(unique, arr[i]);
      if(index == WRONG_VALUE)
         int size = ArraySize(unique);
         ArrayResize(unique, size+1);
         ArrayResize(hits, size+1);
         unique[size] = arr[i]; 
         hits[size] = 1;
      } else {
         hits[index] = hits[index] + 1;

int ArrayFind(double &arr[], double value)
   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(arr); i++)
      if(arr[i] == value) return(i);