Experts: Simple Copier


Simple Copier:

Copying utility with minimal functionality.

Author: Vladimir Tkach

Thank you - have you tried a solution using "Named-Pipes" instead of real csv-files?
I am not familiar with this. What is it?

It should be a lot faster way to pass date from the master to the slave.

Look here or here or here.

The main problem is that either the server or the client can block the terminal waiting for the next entry!

I read somewhere to get an asynchrony access the keyword could be OVERPLAPPED

May be this helps?

Named Pipe communication between two terminals
Named Pipe communication between two terminals
I try using the Named Pipes to exchange data between two terminals. - - Category: general
it looks the same as the file, imho
Yes it is - at least to make the use easy it looks pretty similar but still somewhat different and a lot faster as it it supported by Windows
Thanks youer share
It looks more simple than another code consists of 2 file (master and slave). Thanks bro.
Irwan Adnan:
It looks more simple than another code consists of 2 file (master and slave). Thanks bro.
My pleasure.
Your code is excellent!! Very simple, clear and friendly to understand!
Appreciate for your work.
Your code is excellent!! Very simple, clear and friendly to understand!
Appreciate for your work.
My pleasure.