MQL4 updated to MQL5 on its own, deleted EA I was working on

I was working on an EA in MQL4, when it updated to MQL5 without me knowing. In the process it seemed to have deleted the EA I was working on. It didn't delete any other EA's, just that one. Anyone else have that happen, or know of a solution?

when you modify an existing EA, by that i mean an EA that comes with the installation. then yes this file gets overwritten and recompiled to the original EA.

Therefore it is important that you save your EA's under names that differ from the files that come with the package.

Marco vd Heijden:

when you modify an existing EA, by that i mean an EA that comes with the installation. then yes this file gets overwritten and recompiled to the original EA.

Therefore it is important that you save your EA's under names that differ from the files that come with the package.

It was a completely new EA, and its name didn't conflict with any of the EA's that come with the installation.
Also, your metaeditor can edit and compile BOTH MQLs.  You need to make sure you are specific on the file names you are using, as well as how you start it.  When I start the metaeditor from MT4, it is set to work on MQL4 and EX4 files, but when I start it from MT5, it is set to operate on MQL5 and EX5 files.
It was a completely new EA, and its name didn't conflict with any of the EA's that come with the installation.

If it has not been overwritten you can get it back just scan the drive with undelete software and next time, make backups preferably every day.

At the end of the day i zip the entire experts folder, then i add the date to it and push it on a stick or sd card.

I was working on an EA in MQL4, when it updated to MQL5 without me knowing. ...
That doesn't make sense.
Alain Verleyen:
That doesn't make sense.
i was thinking the exact same thing maybe its just in another folder.
My thought was he previously started it from MT4, and then the second time started it from MT5.  That is enough to cause it to switch one to the other, and appear to lose files.
My thought was he previously started it from MT4, and then the second time started it from MT5.  That is enough to cause it to switch one to the other, and appear to lose files.

He was talking about mql4 and mql5, not MT4 and MT5, a mql4 code can't become a mql5 one. If you open it with MetaEditor, you can work with both. You can't use a mql4 or ex5 with MT5 and even if you try it it will not become a mql5 file. Doesn't make sense.

The source file is most probably at the right place and he can't find it.