customizing "publisher" reports


I have begun using "pubslisher" on my websites but see that it won't take many more weeks before I have an extremely long report due to the number of trades. Is there any information available to a non-programmer (such as me) which would allow the publication of monthly summaries, or past month summary plus current month current statement etc?

I would also love to perform functions on some of the reports, or to change the detailed graph to show profits only rather than net account balance (the latter makes the graph look awfully dismal if I do a withdrawal of capital)



I am not completely sure, but I don't think there are any customizations options for outputting of the reports. Perhaps someone else here could verify as well instead of assuming my reply is the complete answer to your solution.

There are, however, other portfolio/trading logging/journal software out there which allows you to maintain separate records of your trades. They might have more robust report exporting features than MT4. I assume though you might have to enter in your trade records manually. Unfortunately, I have not tried out any of these softwares yet. I have been planning on it since, to my surprise, when I logged into my real-money trading account last week my account history was completely gone. Thus is why I plan to check out 3rd party trade log/journal programs. I wish I could give you a software title right now, but I haven't looked into it yet fully. Some keywords for searching might be: "portfolio management software", "trading log software". I did look at (which can also generate graphs) but I didn't see any output or export options. There has to be something better out there for html exporting.

I believe that MT might also export to Excel format (File > Save as), or one can keep a separate Excel file of trades. But once again, I haven't explored that yet. Sorry I'm not much help. I would still think about finding some portfolio management software. This way your record of trades are never lost in case MT screws up on you, which has happened to me a couple times.


JohnnyBoy, thanks for the lead. Looks pretty cool.