Most predictive indicator


What are the most effective indicators people use either standalone or in combination?

I use EMA, RSI with ATR and they seem to work well, but haven't tried other indicators.

I believe that most indicators are both effective and ineffectual at the same time, it is more about the trader who's using them. The oldest are still the great core indicators. Anything that is "most effective" might just be one of the old indicators like RSI with more built into it, or a MACD with more advancement - and usually these advancements from the originals aren't free
That is pretty relative and depends entirely on your trading methodology and philosophy. What type of trader are you?
Suren Khosravi #:
That is pretty relative and depends entirely on your trading methodology and philosophy. What type of trader are you?

I generally trade events in economic calendar and use indicators to determine setup at the event.

if you're on the news, it's better to trade on economic data results. The market will shoot up and down though with high volatility. Indicators usually won't update fast enough on such volatility, you can use low periods...but still 
Conor Mcnamara #:
if you're on the news, it's better to trade on economic data results. The market will shoot up and down though with high volatility. Indicators usually won't update fast enough on such volatility, you can use low periods...but still 

Precisely this!  👍