Newbie EA Programming

Hi everybody. I just learned to code about EA on MT5. Is there any advice for me? And can you provide structured study tips?
Suggestions on learning MQL
Suggestions on learning MQL - I would like to learn MMLS from Go and Elixir; Request for support in coding a strategy
Suggestions on learning MQL - I would like to learn MMLS from Go and Elixir; Request for support in coding a strategy
  • 2018.01.11
  • [Deleted]
I have some coding experience in go and elixir but i would like to learn mql to eventually automate trading strategies i'm already using manually. Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Agus Triyanto:
Hi everybody. I just learned to code about EA on MT5. Is there any advice for me? And can you provide structured study tips?
Hi Agus, did you get any replies I cant see? Thanks Ki
Sergey Golubev #:
Suggestions on learning MQL
MQL5 programming for traders - Book on
MQL5 programming for traders - Book on
Modern trading relies heavily on computer technology. Automation now extends beyond the boundaries of exchanges and brokerage offices, becoming...


Just code, you will learn most when you will be coding and trying to do some functions on your own. You can also start by using some function and available online and then modify them you can easily test if you coded the EA properly.

First by compiling the file (syntax errors would be caught) and the performance you can check on tester (if the EA do what it supposed to do). 

Have a nice weekend

I directly learn from the code almost 18hours a day 8years ago. 
Depends on how much you want to get successful and how emotional that you want to solve the new problem every single day. 

F1 helps you a lot . 
Structured study tips are found here:

Make your search. Also the MQL5 book is released now (as Sergey posted).
MQL5 Articles
MQL5 Articles
MQL5 Programming Articles