Plot Price data From diferent Brokers

Is it possible to capture real time data, store it in a given directory and fetch that data and plot is as an indicator to see how different brokers "behave" in terms of price
Is it possible to capture real time data, store it in a given directory and fetch that data and plot is as an indicator to see how different brokers "behave" in terms of price

That would be nice.
I have recently moved from the development to real stage and am finding absolutely inconsistant data between brokers.
One terminal - one server at the time.

You need for 2 terminals and 2 dlls - client dll and server dll. DLLs work with EAs. It may be one dll with client and server functions.
One terminal - one server at the time.

You need for 2 terminals and 2 dlls - client dll and server dll. DLLs work with EAs. It may be one dll with client and server functions.

I understand, ok...
1. Broker X is set up in directory BrokerX
2. Broker Y is set up in directory BrokerY
now, can you help me with the code to store and retrive the full data from X into Y?

help will be appreciated
2 Paul Dawidowicz

Please contact me.

info@e2e-fx [dot] net
ICQ 169791434