Change directory of data store of History Center



Can I change the directory of the data store of the History Center?

Now, my MetaTrader is installed to the directory of 'Y:\MetaTrader 4\'.

The directory of the History Center is in the 'Y:\MetaTrader4\history\' directory.

I would like to move the 'Y:\MetaTrader4\history\' directory to the 'C:\store\history\'.

Is there any way to change the directory?

Thank you in advance.




The physical storage can be another place, if you create a link to the standard metatrader location.


Thank you Phy!

It seems will be solution.


Close MT4.

Rename or delete the /history folder or move the current history folder to the new storage location.

Drop a JUNCTION to the new history folder into the metatrader main folder.

Restart MT4.


Thx, I could do it. Work's great.

I never heard Link Shell Extension before. It's a good thing.