weird stop levels error when modifying stoploss


I was working to implement a EA that utilize trailing stop losses, when doing so there were frequent invalid stops errors in journal. I had some research in the forum and test different solutions but non of them worked, this is the routine I use to modify stoploss:

  1. if there is required change of less than 2 pips, don't modify stop loss
  2. round stoploss to represent full pip values.

you can check the result in attached screenshot from journal. The weird point is that modification is eventually accepted for a 3 pip distance, but return back error for 4 pips or even higher distances so this is clearly not a problem with minimum stop levels. My current hunch is that there may be something wrong with the frequency of stoploss modifications requests as the algorithm do it evenly with less than 2 seconds time between each request ( only if conditions are met ). By the way I use python API to set the requests and you can see the code attached.

bool CheckStopLoss_Takeprofit(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type,double SL,double TP)
//--- get the SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL level
   int stops_level=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol,SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL);
      PrintFormat("SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL=%d: StopLoss and TakeProfit must"+
                  " not be nearer than %d points from the closing price",stops_level,stops_level);
   bool SL_check=false,TP_check=false;
//--- check only two order types
      //--- Buy operation
      case  ORDER_TYPE_BUY:
         //--- check the StopLoss
            PrintFormat("For order %s StopLoss=%.5f must be less than %.5f"+
                        " (Bid=%.5f - SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL=%d points)",
         //--- check the TakeProfit
            PrintFormat("For order %s TakeProfit=%.5f must be greater than %.5f"+
                        " (Bid=%.5f + SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL=%d points)",
         //--- return the result of checking
      //--- Sell operation
      case  ORDER_TYPE_SELL:
         //--- check the StopLoss
            PrintFormat("For order %s StopLoss=%.5f must be greater than %.5f "+
                        " (Ask=%.5f + SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL=%d points)",
         //--- check the TakeProfit
            PrintFormat("For order %s TakeProfit=%.5f must be less than %.5f "+
                        " (Ask=%.5f - SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL=%d points)",
         //--- return the result of checking
//--- a slightly different function is required for pending orders
   return false;

The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
Before any product is published in the Market, it must undergo compulsory preliminary checks in order to ensure a uniform quality standard. This article considers the most frequent errors made by developers in their technical indicators and trading robots. An also shows how to self-test a product before sending it to the Market.
thank you, though I was checking against stops_level I used price_current instead of ask/bid and that was the source of problem.