The Case Against Letting Your Profit Run

Ideally we all want to let our profit run for as long as possible. But in the real world, there comes a point at which you need to decide if you're going to take your profit.

Tell me if you've experienced this before: You have an open trade that's making 10 pips, you wait, it reverses, now it's 3 pips in loss, you wait some more, it goes back into profit, and round and round we go. As a matter of fact, I'm in such a trade as we speak.

So, at which do you decide enough is enough? In other words, how do you INCORPORATE THE ELEMENT OF TIME into your trading? In my opinion the element of time is a very important element that needs to be taken into account.
This is just a shorthand sentence to reduce the endless complexity of the trading world.
Yashar Seyyedin #:
This is just a shorthand sentence to reduce the endless complexity of the trading world.

haha. great way to avoid getting "involved".

So, at which do you decide enough is enough? In other words, how do you INCORPORATE THE ELEMENT OF TIME into your trading? In my opinion the element of time is a very important element that needs to be taken into account.

This all depends on the strategy used. And there is many threads on google discussing this very question. One closing strategy that works for 1 strategy, will be crap closing strategy for another. Just search google and other trading websites.

So these kinds of questions cannot be asked on this website?
new.metatrader #:
So these kinds of questions cannot be asked on this website?

sure, however, this website is primarily for metatrader support by users of metatrader, AND coding. General Discussions on this website are rare.


Let your profit run can be used in two circumstances:

1. When you already know something is worth holding... Like a good stock share or a good coin. So you hold it for several years and earn as much as if you traded daily without bothering.

2. Letting profit run for trading purposes only(like swing trading or intraday trading) is truly a complicated case. At the moment I would say trading is about taking profit at the closest SR level.

Michael Charles Schefe #:

sure, however, this website is primarily for metatrader support by users of metatrader, AND coding. General Discussions on this website are rare.

Understood. I'm going to ask this question on REDDIT. Thanks.