Modifying TP and keeping current SL


Hi all, I am attempting to modify my TP after placing a trade. The problem seems to be that i am using the same stop loss. This is what i Want. However, if i put in a new Sl by subtracting .00001 from the prev stop loss, it works. I am assuming that positionModify wants new values. How can i only change the TP and keep the SL the same?

                     Print("minumum stop level:",bid - SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL * _Point, " current SL:",lowestLowEntry1);
                     Print("Having issues modfiying to add TP value. SL incompatible?. Will check on each new tick in positionManagment()");
                     positions1[ArraySize(positions1)-1].tpHasBeenSet = false;

What is the error? Any logs?

PositionModify needs to modify at least one of the values. 

Yashar Seyyedin #:

What is the error? Any logs?

PositionModify needs to modify at least one of the values. 

invalid stops. when i call it. i use the same SL from when i first entered, and then a new TP