Please consider which section is most appropriate —
I don't know of any broker offering that many symbols. That is an absurd amount! Even 1000 symbols would be too many.
As for processing tick data, read the following ...
Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Fernando Carreiro, 2023.09.04 15:57
It is somewhat complex and can easily be a couple hundred lines of code.
Here is a skeleton code example for the tick processing and timing of a seconds based time-frame. It does however, not build the OHLC bar data. In simply uses the open mid price "(Ask + Bid)/2".
You will have to extend the functionality if you want to build the OHLC data as well.
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #property copyright "Copyright \x00A9 2022, Fernando M. I. Carreiro, All rights reserved" #property link "" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--- Parameter settings input group "Parameters: Tick data processing" input uint i_nTimeframeSeconds = 15, // Time-frame in seconds i_nTickHistoryDays = 5; // Days to backtrack tick history // enough to cover long weekends //--- Macro definitions // Define macro for invalid parameter values #define MCheckParameter( _condition, _text ) if( _condition ) \ { Print( "Error: Invalid parameter - ", _text ); return INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT; } // Define macros for time masking #define MDayMinutes ( 24 * 60 ) #define MDaySeconds ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) #define MTimeOnly( _vardatetime ) ( int( ( _vardatetime ) % MDaySeconds ) ) #define MDateOnly( _vardatetime ) ( int( ( _vardatetime ) / MDaySeconds ) ) #define MDateTime( _vardate, _vartime ) ( datetime( ( _vardate ) * MDaySeconds + ( _vartime ) ) ) //--- Structures and classes // Tick data processor structure struct STickProcessor { // Declare member variables long m_nTicksTimeMsc; // Next search time (milliseconds) int m_nTicksTimeCount, // Next search duplicate time counter m_iTicksIndex, // Index of current tick data m_iTicksLast, // Index of last valid tick data m_nTicksCount; // Count of available ticks in the cached data MqlTick m_oTicks[]; // Tick data cache string m_sSymbol; // Symbol name for tick data bool m_bRealtime; // Real-time processing flag // Default deconstructor ~STickProcessor( void ) { ArrayFree( m_oTicks ); }; // Default constructor STickProcessor( void ) : m_nTicksTimeMsc( WRONG_VALUE ), m_nTicksTimeCount( WRONG_VALUE ), m_iTicksIndex( WRONG_VALUE ), m_iTicksLast( WRONG_VALUE ), m_nTicksCount( WRONG_VALUE ), m_bRealtime( false ), m_sSymbol( "" ) {}; // Initialiser bool Init( string sSymbol, long nTicksTimeMsc ) { if( ( nTicksTimeMsc > 0 ) && ( sSymbol.Length() > 0 ) ) { m_nTicksTimeMsc = nTicksTimeMsc; m_nTicksTimeCount = 0; m_iTicksIndex = m_iTicksLast = m_nTicksCount = WRONG_VALUE; m_bRealtime = false; m_sSymbol = sSymbol; return true; }; return false; // Failed to initialise }; // Verify validaty of current tick data state bool IsValid( void ) { return ( m_nTicksCount > 0 ) && ( m_iTicksIndex >= 0 ) && ( m_iTicksIndex <= m_iTicksLast ); }; // Update Real-time status void RealTimeUpdate( void ) { if( m_iTicksIndex == m_iTicksLast ) m_bRealtime = m_oTicks[ m_iTicksIndex ].time >= TimeCurrent(); }; // Advance to next tick bool Next( void ) { if( ( m_nTicksCount > 0 ) && ( m_iTicksIndex < m_iTicksLast ) ) { m_iTicksIndex++; // Next tick if( !m_bRealtime ) RealTimeUpdate(); // Update Real-time status return true; }; if( m_nTicksTimeMsc > 0 ) { // Acquire new data for the cache ResetLastError(); m_nTicksCount = _StopFlag ? 0 : CopyTicks( m_sSymbol, m_oTicks, COPY_TICKS_ALL, m_nTicksTimeMsc ); if( m_nTicksCount > m_nTicksTimeCount ) { // Count final ticks as there may be more in the future with the same timestamp int iTicksFinal = m_nTicksCount - 1; m_iTicksLast = iTicksFinal; m_nTicksTimeMsc = m_oTicks[ m_iTicksLast ].time_msc; while( ( iTicksFinal >= 0 ) && ( m_oTicks[ iTicksFinal ].time_msc >= m_nTicksTimeMsc ) ) iTicksFinal--; m_iTicksIndex = m_nTicksTimeCount; // Dismiss initial duplicate ticks m_nTicksTimeCount = m_iTicksLast - iTicksFinal; if( !m_bRealtime ) RealTimeUpdate(); // Update Real-time status return m_iTicksIndex <= m_iTicksLast; // Succeeded in acquiring tick data }; // Report any errors while acquiring the tick data if( ( m_nTicksCount == WRONG_VALUE ) || ( _LastError != ERR_SUCCESS ) ) PrintFormat( "Error %d: Unable to acquire tick data for symbol %s", _LastError, m_sSymbol ); // Reset everything m_iTicksIndex = m_iTicksLast = m_nTicksCount = WRONG_VALUE; }; return false; // Failed to acquire tick data }; // Get current tick time - Attention! For the sake of efficiency, validity is not verified datetime Time( void ) { return m_oTicks[ m_iTicksIndex ].time; }; // Get current mid price - Attention! For the sake of efficiency, validity is not verified double MidPrice( void ) { return 0.5 * ( m_oTicks[ m_iTicksIndex ].ask + m_oTicks[ m_iTicksIndex ].bid ); }; }; //--- Global variable declarations STickProcessor g_oTickProcessor; // Tick data processor structure object //--- Event handling functions // Initialisation event handler int OnInit( void ) { // Validate inputs and calculate parameter variables MCheckParameter( i_nTickHistoryDays < 1, "days to backtrack tick history" ); MCheckParameter( i_nTimeframeSeconds < 1, "time-frame in seconds" ); return INIT_SUCCEEDED; // Successful initialisation of indicator }; // Tick event handler void OnTick( void ) { // Detect first tick static bool bFirstTick = true; if( bFirstTick ) { // Initialise tick processing object with symbol and backtracking time g_oTickProcessor.Init( _Symbol, ( TimeCurrent() - i_nTickHistoryDays * MDaySeconds ) * 1000 ); bFirstTick = false; // First tick condition complete }; // Process tick data while( g_oTickProcessor.Next() ) { // Detect a change in timestamp (new bar in specified time-frame) static datetime dtTimeStampCurrent = WRONG_VALUE; datetime dtTimeStampPrevious = dtTimeStampCurrent; dtTimeStampCurrent = g_oTickProcessor.Time() / i_nTimeframeSeconds; bool bTimeStampNew = dtTimeStampCurrent != dtTimeStampPrevious; // Process opening state for new time (second based time-frame) if( bTimeStampNew ) { // Build data ... // ... do something with data ... // Check if we processing data in real-time if( g_oTickProcessor.m_bRealtime ) { // ... carry out trading operations ... }; }; }; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I don't know of any broker offering that many symbols. That is an absurd amount! Even 1000 symbols would be too many.
I am interested in stock options. A single symbol can have over 1,500 options in brazilian B3!
The problem is that when I rerun the code it does not update the values.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| testes.mq5 | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "" #property version "1.00" #include <Json.mqh> #include <Math\Stat\Math.mqh> bool debug = true; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool SaveTextToFile(string path, string content) { //Open file///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int handle = FileOpen(path, FILE_CSV | FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE, ','); if(handle < 1) { Comment("File " + path + " not found, the last error is ", GetLastError()); return(false); } else { Comment("Ok"); FileWrite(handle, content); Print("Salvando " + path); Comment("1"); FileClose(handle); return( true); } //return(handle); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| listar opções de um ativo | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string getAllSeries(string stockName, bool fast=false) { int c=0; CJAVal info; MqlTick ticks_array[]; // Get the total number of available symbols int totalSymbols = SymbolsTotal(false); CopyTicks(stockName, ticks_array, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 0, 1); double valorAtivo = ticks_array[0].last; info["spot_price"] = ticks_array[0].last; datetime currentTime = TimeCurrent(); // Loop through the symbols CJAVal options; for(int i = 0; i < totalSymbols; i++) { string symbol = SymbolName(i, false) ; if (SymbolInfoString(symbol, SYMBOL_BASIS)==stockName) { // Print(i, symbol); double strike = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_OPTION_STRIKE); long expiration1 = SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME); if ((strike>0.8*valorAtivo)&&(strike<1.2*valorAtivo)) { // Request the market data double spotPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID); if (fast) { info["bid"] = 0; info["ask"] = 0; } else { CopyTicks(symbol, ticks_array, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 0, 1); if (ArraySize(ticks_array)>0) { info["bid"] = ticks_array[0].bid; info["ask"] = ticks_array[0].ask; } else { info["bid"] = 0; info["ask"] = 0; } } info["symbol"] = symbol; info["strike"] = strike; long tipo = SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT); if (tipo==SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT_CALL) { info["type"] = "CALL"; } else { info["type"] = "PUT"; } long expiration = SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME); info["expiration"] = SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME); int days_to_maturity = (int(expiration1)-int(currentTime))/(60*60*24); info["days_to_maturity"] = days_to_maturity; Print("Info: ", info.Serialize()); options["options"].Add(info); c++; } } } string t = options.Serialize(); if(debug) { Print(t); } return t; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Script program start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnStart() { //--- string symbol = "PETR4"; int expiration = 35; string t; string symbols[] = {"ABEV3", "B3SA3", "BBAS3", "BBDC4", "BOVA11", "CIEL3", "CMIG4", "COGN3", "CSNA3", "GGBR3", "GOAU4", "ITSA4", "ITUB4", "PETR4", "PRIO3", "RAIL3", "RENT3", "SANB11", "SUZB3", "USIM5", "VALE3", "WEGE3" }; for (int ii; ii<ArraySize(symbols); ii++) { t = getAllSeries(symbols[ii], false); StringReplace(t, "},", "},\n"); string currentDate = TimeToString(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE); StringReplace(currentDate,".","_"); string fileName = "OptionsLog" + "\\" + currentDate + "\\"+ "Results " + symbols[ii] + ".txt"; SaveTextToFile(fileName, t); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
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What is the fastest way to get the last quote for about 10,000 symbols and keep them updated?
I want to make kind of a server to communicate to delphi.
I tried
To get the quotes, but its slow and does not update them....
Any advices?
Thanks in advance.