I have to Code An EA with Icustom function but i do not have the mql4 file


i have been given a indicator without mql4 file, just a ex4.
im trying to build a Ea with it, is it possible?

the indicator gives me buy and sells signals and it prints arrows on the chart wheneever theres a signal,
the only 2 vlue that the indicator is giving me back are:
sell signal: (with a value under 1)
buy signal: (with also a value under 1)
the value its null when there no signal, and if there is a signal the value is numeric
thanks everyone for the help


you can add buffer numbers to your ea by taking a guess as to what number it is, 0 - 8 for example. You will find the correct buffer number eventually, but it will take patience and testing :D.

If you are lucky, the buffers for sell and buy are simple 0 and 1. good luck.

It's possible to use indicator for EA without source code.