For MT Programmers: How timezones are managed ?

How does MT manage timezones and day light saving when importing history files into history center ?
What happens if a history file contains data of different months where day light savign is not in effect (January) and months where day light saving is in effect (August) ?
Does MT use timezone and day light saving settings of the computer where it runs ?

isn't it usually just GMT with no time zones?
Hi Piccolo

Yes it usualy just GMT with no time zones, but my problem is about the daylight saving
Set time shift value in the import dialog

Daylight savings time is not managed
Hi Slowa

But when I import from a hst file, I can't manage time shift !!!
hst is open format. You can write your own mql4-script to rewrite time
Slawa, then we can manipulate backtesting. No work around for forward/live testing, huh? We have to live with brokers timezone?