testing update question

When I am testing my expert, I often have my edit window open and make changes between expert testing runs. I have noticed that the back testing window does not always update with the code that I have just compiled. It will show the version of my older expert as the journal shows output. What is the proper way to get the back testing to recognize and test the current version after a compile?
I am having the same hassle - sometimes it sees the new version changes - other times it does not. I have taken to updating an 'extern string' value each time I change the ea. Then when I am going to run it - if I don't see the change in the string when inputing the variables - I know the updates haven't gone through. They are there in the code. I then have to save the ea under a different name i.e ea3.mq4 - compile this and then it works. Frustrating - but at least it forces me to leave behind a good code trail - as all updates are saved under new version numbers.
Did you press "compile" button after changing?
Yes... I hit compile. I update a print statement in the init section to see if I have the latest compile.
May be problem. Tested expert does not reloaded in testing process.
1. Stop testing.
2. Modify expert.
3. Compile expert
4. Start testing