Expert / Indicator start() priority

Hi Slawa,

1) What is priority between the Expert and Indicator start()?..... who gets a tick first?
2) Is there any difference in priority by attaching the Indicator to the Chart first and then the Expert?..... or it does not matter?
Once more ("Objects, Expert and Indicator.")
1. Tick incomes
2. Attached indicators are calculated
3. Then attached expert launched in their own thread. Expert calls indicators in their own thread.
Once more ("Objects, Expert and Indicator.")
1. Tick incomes
2. Attached indicators are calculated
3. Then attached expert launched in their own thread. Expert calls indicators in their own thread.

Thanks for confirmation Slawa,

Everything works a OK with the GlobalVariabe....() functions.
I am just double checking to make sure that it is not coincidental.

However, I am unclear as to your statement "in their own thread"..... what is the "own trend" in this case?.
I know that it is probably a stupid question and I should know that but I do not!
Second (expert) thread can compete with main (indicator) thread for some resources, for instance for objects, global variables etc.
But in your case indicators are calculated before expert. Always.
You can use some semaphore with GlobalVariableSetOnCondition function