Error message 131 - Invalid Trade Volume.


I wrote an EA that is running perfectly on a demo MT4 account.  When I copied it to a live MT4 account, I get an error message 131 - Invalid Trade Volume.  The demo account is running under Windows 11 on a Microsoft Surface and the live account is running under Windows 10 on a Dell.  I have checked various references to error 131 on the web and tried their solutions without success.  Here are some troubleshooting values.

Can anyone help?



you should apply this function to check if the volume is correct 

//| Check the correctness of the order volume                        |
bool CheckVolumeValue(double volume,string &description)
//--- minimal allowed volume for trade operations
   double min_volume=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is less than the minimal allowed SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN=%.2f",min_volume);

//--- maximal allowed volume of trade operations
   double max_volume=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is greater than the maximal allowed SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX=%.2f",max_volume);

//--- get minimal step of volume changing
   double volume_step=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP);

   int ratio=(int)MathRound(volume/volume_step);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is not a multiple of the minimal step SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP=%.2f, the closest correct volume is %.2f",
   description="Correct volume value";