Where is the support ???

I just made actions to open an account at Interbank FX.

But to get my programs up and working I need help...

I have posted some questions, but not getting any help.

Could you please allocate, a programmer to my needs.

Am I being too demanding.....impatient, I need what I need...
Well, yes, you are being too demanding and impatient - no-one is going to allocate programmer time for your special requests unless you're going to pay them.
Metaquotes gets zero money from clients and these forums are more a feedback arena for them I suspect.

I'd suggest you join up over at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MetaTrader_Experts_and_Indicators/ and seek assistance there - it's a 5000+ member strong group who'd be glad to assist you, providing you don't demand things and maybe search around first. Check out how the group works first before you go charging in.

Thanks that looks just what I need.

Why not place a link on your under support, so that people know of the yahoo forum.

To be fair your programming language for MT4 is way to complicated, compared to Esignal, Omega Ts2000i, Metastock, etc...

so others will be demanding...
Mate you sound like my 3 year old daughter, I need, I need.
MT4 is very easy to understand if you actually put some time and effort into learning it..........
Hear, hear!
Mate you sound like my 3 year old daughter, I need, I need.
MT4 is very easy to understand if you actually put some time and effort into learning it..........

I believe that kids are more demanding mine would say "I want", " I want".
MT4 is actually one of the easiest programming languages to learn for anyone with any previous programming experience in things like Javascript or flash. Take a look over at strategybuilderfx.com for a MT4 course.
MT4 is actually one of the easiest programming languages to learn for anyone with any previous programming experience in things like Javascript or flash. Take a look over at strategybuilderfx.com for a MT4 course.

You can review my free MQL4 development course here:
So why isnt the Yahoo forum, and lessons posted under FAQ...

if your a newbie, where is the beginner stuff posted to make it easier to find...

Thats my point...