New build and no indicators : big bug

Alpari just updated my build of the terminal and all the compiled indicators disappeared from the hard disk. If the terminal is open, compiling an indicator does not produce its output. If it is closed I can build it but as soon as I open the terminal, the files disappear....

Big bug !!!
Sorry for ill-formed liveupdate of the 187-th build.
Workaround is:
1. Download manually from our site and install it or wait for updating to 188-th build
2. Close client terminal.
3. In the ex4-programs directories (experts\, experts\scripts\, experts\indicators\, experts\libraries) find and remove mqlcache.dat file
4. Launch client terminal and wait for all mql4-programs compilation

we have some indicators as ex4 files only. No Mql form. After updating to 188 we deleted all mqlcache and inserted the ex4 files again. but we do not see the indicators.


we have some indicators as ex4 files only. No Mql form. After updating to 188 we deleted all mqlcache and inserted the ex4 files again. but we do not see the indicators.


and yes - after restarting they are deleted from the directory...
I have a possible answer for this dilemma. I noticed after MT4 v.188 restarts (after update) it re-compiles all the mq4 scripts and I noticed that the size of the resulting ex4 file is different than the original v.186 and before compilation. Anybody can do this test and it is plain as day to observe. So, one possible scenario would be that MQ changed or improved their compiler and erases the older ex4 executables which should not be executed on v.188 and later..The question is: how do we get the ex4 files back that were supplied by third parties without the source code? We have no ability to recompile them and the fair thing would have been to alert us that v.188 erases them. This way we could prepare and save them before the upgrade to v.188. Just my 2 cents and something to think about...
does this mean that all people who bought those indicators from third parties now lost their money? This is a bit incredible. There must be a workaround.

Metaquotes - it is your turn to act now very fast!
there was changed compiler version. forced action - additional protection from decompilation.
there is only one workaround - ask your developers for recompiled indicators
there was changed compiler version. forced action - additional protection from decompilation.
there is only one workaround - ask your developers for recompiled indicators

This is very good. Can you indicate how harder the decompilation is now?
Can you indicate how harder the decompilation is now?

much harder.
no more comments, sorry.
Can you indicate how harder the decompilation is now?

much harder.
no more comments, sorry.

I've checked with the known hacker. Indeed, he does not offer decompilation of 188 yet. As I'm myself custom EA and indicators writer, I applause what you did very much. Good work! (and removing non 100% legal ex4 files was too very good, if you can do this with every new build I would appreciate it very much).