I have tried those but it is still not creating the file as expected. Updated code is as follows:
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Included Classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> #include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> MqlTick cT; CTrade trade; CPositionInfo m_position; // object of CPositionInfo class COrderInfo m_order; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inputs Menu //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static long InpMagicNumber = 876251; // Magic number input double InpLotSize = 1; // Lot Size Per Positions input double MaxInpLotSize = 10; // Max Lots input int MaxInpPositions = 5; // Max Positions Open // User input variables input int InpMaPeriod1 = 21; // EMA PERIOD 1 input int InpMaPeriod2 = 50; // EMA PERIOD 2 input int InpMaPeriod3 = 100; // EMA PERIOD 3 input int shift = 0; // Number to shift candle high/low // Ema indicator handles int ma_handle1; int ma_handle2; int ma_handle3; // Excel handle int excel_handle; // Indicator Buffers double ma_prices1[]; double ma_prices2[]; double ma_prices3[]; double ma_value1; double ma_value2; double ma_value3; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- correct way of working in the "file sandbox" ResetLastError(); excel_handle = FileOpen("EMA_Price_Deviation_Data.csv",FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE); if(excel_handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { FileWrite(excel_handle,"Symbol","EMA PRICE","CANDLE HIGH","DEVIATION"); Print("File Open OK"); } else { Print("Operation File Open failed, error ",GetLastError()); } ma_handle1 = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,InpMaPeriod1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE); if(ma_handle1 == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("Failed to create indicator EMA 1 Handle"); return INIT_FAILED; } ma_handle2 = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,InpMaPeriod2,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE); if(ma_handle2 == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("Failed to create indicator EMA 2 Handle"); return INIT_FAILED; } ma_handle3 = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,InpMaPeriod3,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE); if(ma_handle3 == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("Failed to create indicator EMA 3 Handle"); return INIT_FAILED; } ArraySetAsSeries(ma_prices1,true); ArraySetAsSeries(ma_prices2,true); ArraySetAsSeries(ma_prices3,true); return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { CopyBuffer(ma_handle1,0,0,3,ma_prices1); CopyBuffer(ma_handle2,0,0,3,ma_prices2); CopyBuffer(ma_handle3,0,0,3,ma_prices3); if(ArraySize(ma_prices1) < 1 || ArraySize(ma_prices2) < 1 || ArraySize(ma_prices3) < 1) { return; } ma_value1 = ma_prices1[0]; ma_value2 = ma_prices2[0]; ma_value3 = ma_prices3[0]; // Grab the candle OHL to add to the spread sheet double open = iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),shift); double high = iHigh(Symbol(),Period(),shift); double low = iLow(Symbol(),Period(),shift); if(low > ma_value1) { CreateExcelData(high,ma_value1,ma_value2,ma_value3); } else if(high < ma_value1) { CreateExcelData(low,ma_value1,ma_value2,ma_value3); } } void CreateExcelData(double candle_high_low, double chosen_band_value,double band2, double band3) { double price_difference; if(candle_high_low > chosen_band_value) { price_difference = candle_high_low - chosen_band_value; } else if(candle_high_low < chosen_band_value) { price_difference = chosen_band_value - candle_high_low; } if(excel_handle > 0) { FileWrite(excel_handle, _Symbol, DoubleToString(chosen_band_value),DoubleToString(candle_high_low),DoubleToString(price_difference)); Print("Writing to file - line 258"); } }
I close the file on the DeOnit section. Just removed that function for less clutter. Regarding specifying ANSI or unicode. That I am not sure where or how to do that tbh. I am not even sure if I am doing this correctly as I am attempting to use it as part of an EA, which I am not sure if you are supposed to do or not.
Regarding the expert log. I did do that. Everything appears to be working correctly and no errors are generated. Hence why I am uncertain.When attempting to print the pathway I receive this:
2023.06.26 13:42:27.102 2023.06.01 00:00:00 File path: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\9B101088254A9C260A9790D5079A7B11\Agent-
I was under the impression that would provide the pathway to the current directory but obviously not.
Here is the full code:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Output_CSV_Excel.mq5 | //| Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Included Classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> #include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> MqlTick cT; CTrade trade; CPositionInfo m_position; // object of CPositionInfo class COrderInfo m_order; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inputs Menu //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static long InpMagicNumber = 876251; // Magic number input double InpLotSize = 1; // Lot Size Per Positions input double MaxInpLotSize = 10; // Max Lots input int MaxInpPositions = 5; // Max Positions Open // User input variables input int InpMaPeriod1 = 21; // EMA PERIOD 1 input int InpMaPeriod2 = 50; // EMA PERIOD 2 input int InpMaPeriod3 = 100; // EMA PERIOD 3 input int shift = 0; // Number to shift candle high/low // Ema indicator handles int ma_handle1; int ma_handle2; int ma_handle3; // Excel handle int excel_handle; // Indicator Buffers double ma_prices1[]; double ma_prices2[]; double ma_prices3[]; // Arrays used to calculate the price deviation from each inputed ema band value double candle_high_prices[]; // Arrays used to calculate the price deviation from each inputed ema band value double price_deviation1[]; double price_deviation2[]; double price_deviation3[]; // double ma_value1; double ma_value2; double ma_value3; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- correct way of working in the "file sandbox" ResetLastError(); string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH); Print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Print("File path: ",terminal_data_path); Print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); excel_handle = FileOpen("EMA_Price_Deviation_Data.csv",FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE); if(excel_handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { FileWrite(excel_handle,"Symbol","EMA PRICE","CANDLE HIGH","DEVIATION"); Print("File Open OK"); } else { Print("Operation File Open failed, error ",GetLastError()); } ma_handle1 = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,InpMaPeriod1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE); if(ma_handle1 == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("Failed to create indicator EMA 1 Handle"); return INIT_FAILED; } ma_handle2 = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,InpMaPeriod2,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE); if(ma_handle2 == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("Failed to create indicator EMA 2 Handle"); return INIT_FAILED; } ma_handle3 = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,InpMaPeriod3,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE); if(ma_handle3 == INVALID_HANDLE) { Alert("Failed to create indicator EMA 3 Handle"); return INIT_FAILED; } ArraySetAsSeries(ma_prices1,true); ArraySetAsSeries(ma_prices2,true); ArraySetAsSeries(ma_prices3,true); return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnDeinit(const int reason) { if(ma_handle1 != INVALID_HANDLE) { IndicatorRelease(ma_handle1); } if(ma_handle2 != INVALID_HANDLE) { IndicatorRelease(ma_handle2); } if(ma_handle3 != INVALID_HANDLE) { IndicatorRelease(ma_handle3); } if(excel_handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { FileClose(excel_handle); IndicatorRelease(excel_handle); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Expert tick function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void OnTick() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if trading is allowed //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!IsMarketOpen(_Symbol,TimeCurrent())) return; if(!IsTradeAllowed()) return; // Verify if user inputted parameters are valid if(!CheckInputs()) { return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if current tick is a bar open tick //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!IsNewBar()) { return; } if(!SymbolInfoTick(_Symbol,cT)) { Print("Failed to get tick"); return; } CopyBuffer(ma_handle1,0,0,3,ma_prices1); CopyBuffer(ma_handle2,0,0,3,ma_prices2); CopyBuffer(ma_handle3,0,0,3,ma_prices3); if(ArraySize(ma_prices1) < 1 || ArraySize(ma_prices2) < 1 || ArraySize(ma_prices3) < 1) { return; } ma_value1 = ma_prices1[0]; ma_value2 = ma_prices2[0]; ma_value3 = ma_prices3[0]; // Grab the candle OHL to add to the spread sheet double open = iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),shift); double high = iHigh(Symbol(),Period(),shift); double low = iLow(Symbol(),Period(),shift); // Check if it is the starting tick to add the Spread sheet column headings if(low > ma_value1) { CreateExcelData(high,ma_value1,ma_value2,ma_value3); } else if(high < ma_value1) { CreateExcelData(low,ma_value1,ma_value2,ma_value3); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to upload data to excel sheet //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CreateExcelData(double candle_high_low, double chosen_band_value,double band2, double band3) { double price_difference; if(candle_high_low > chosen_band_value) { price_difference = candle_high_low - chosen_band_value; } else if(candle_high_low < chosen_band_value) { price_difference = chosen_band_value - candle_high_low; } if(excel_handle > 0) { FileWrite(excel_handle, _Symbol, DoubleToString(chosen_band_value),DoubleToString(candle_high_low),DoubleToString(price_difference)); Print("Writing to file - line 258"); } Print("Candle High Low Value - line 260: ", candle_high_low); Print("Chosen Band Value - line 261: ",chosen_band_value); Print("Band 2 Value - line 262: ", band2); Print("Band 3 Value - line 263: ", band3); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to verify if the auto trading is allowed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool IsTradeAllowed() { return ((bool)MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TRADE_ALLOWED) // Trading allowed in input dialog && (bool)TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED) // Trading allowed in terminal && (bool)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED) // Is account able to trade, not locked out && (bool)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT) // Is account able to auto trade ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to verify if the market is open //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool IsMarketOpen(string symbol, datetime time) { static string lastSymbol = ""; static bool isOpen = false; static datetime sessionStart = 0; static datetime sessionEnd = 0; if(lastSymbol == symbol && sessionEnd > sessionStart) { if((isOpen && time >= sessionStart && time <= sessionEnd) || (!isOpen && time > sessionStart && time < sessionEnd)) return isOpen; } lastSymbol = symbol; MqlDateTime mtime; TimeToStruct(time, mtime); datetime seconds = mtime.hour * 3600 + mtime.min * 60 + mtime.sec; mtime.hour = 0; mtime.min = 0; mtime.sec = 0; datetime dayStart = StructToTime(mtime); datetime dayEnd = dayStart + 86400; datetime fromTime; datetime toTime; sessionStart = dayStart; sessionEnd = dayEnd; for(int session = 0;; session++) { if(!SymbolInfoSessionTrade(symbol, (ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)mtime.day_of_week, session, fromTime, toTime)) { sessionEnd = dayEnd; isOpen = false; return isOpen; } if(seconds < fromTime) // not inside a session { sessionEnd = dayStart + fromTime; isOpen = false; return isOpen; } if(seconds > toTime) // maybe a later session { sessionStart = dayStart + toTime; continue; } // at this point must be inside a session sessionStart = dayStart + fromTime; sessionEnd = dayStart + toTime; isOpen = true; return isOpen; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Confirm if the current bar is definitely a new bar //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool IsNewBar() { static datetime previousTime = 0; datetime currentTime = iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,0); if(previousTime != currentTime) { previousTime = currentTime; return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function to validate user inputs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CheckInputs() { if(InpMagicNumber <= 0) { Alert("Wrong input: Magic number <= 0"); return false; } if(InpLotSize <= 0 || InpLotSize > MaxInpLotSize) { Alert("Wrong input: Lot Size <= 0 OR Lot Size exceeds Max Size"); return false; } if(InpMaPeriod1 < 0) { Alert("Wrong input: EMA Period 1 < 0"); return false; } if(InpMaPeriod2 < 0) { Alert("Wrong input: EMA Period 2 < 0"); return false; } if(InpMaPeriod3 < 0) { Alert("Wrong input: EMA Period 3 < 0"); return false; } return true; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
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Could someone please help me figure out why my code is not generating an excel spread sheet as intended.
The rest of the code I will correct later, however i need to generate an excel doc first before proceeding further.