Functionality request...

Hi Metaquotes,

Well, I must say that your latest version (Build 184) is the most reliable and stable version I've seen yet and no more error messages! I haven't had one single problem with it since starting to use it and I'm currently testing some pretty complicated experts which make use of a good portion of the available functions. Well done!

Anyway, there is one thing I was wondering if you could build into Metatrader at some stage. The problem I have (and I'm sure most people would worry about) is that there is currently no way within Metatrader to see if the connection to the trading server is up or down and send an e-mail or txt message if it's down. I know everyone would yell "use the IsConnected() function to call the sendMail() function" but in practice, this function doesn't actually work. As I'm sure you are aware, the running of the expert is triggered by the incoming quotes. If there are no incoming quotes (because the trading server is down or the connection to the trading server is broken), the expert doesn't run and consequently the "IsConnected()" function doesn't run and no e-mail gets sent.

What I would suggest is broadening out the "Tools -> Options -> Events" tab to enable it to do more than simply call up ".wav" files. If it were possible within this tab to either play a sound, send an e-mail and any other options someone might want to dream up, I think this would make this tab a lot more useful.

At the moment, the only way I'm able to check to see if the trading server is up or down is run a seperate program to constantly "Ping" the trading server and send an e-mail if the "Ping" isn't returned. As well as being a bit of a cumbersome way of doing things, it also creates extra work for the trading server answering all my "Ping" requests.


Coen Willemse
I double this request. Ideally, I would like to controll a single account from more locations. One as a master, and the other one as a slave. Master should controll orders, and inform slave via internet socket that it is alive. In instance, that the slave does not get any signal from the master for a certain amount of time, the slave should take over the account and inform previous master that it must switch into a slave mode.

Right now, I can only do this with programs outside MT. Maybe, some other function in EA could be run on a system clock instead of server tick, as it is the case of start()?

Anyway, there is one thing I was wondering if you could build into Metatrader at some stage. The problem I have (and I'm sure most people would worry about) is that there is currently no way within Metatrader to see if the connection to the trading server is up or down and send an e-mail or txt message if it's down. I know everyone would yell "use the IsConnected() function to call the sendMail() function" but in practice, this function doesn't actually work. As I'm sure you are aware, the running of the expert is triggered by the incoming quotes. If there are no incoming quotes (because the trading server is down or the connection to the trading server is broken), the expert doesn't run and consequently the "IsConnected()" function doesn't run and no e-mail gets sent.

You can launch some script with endless loop with 1-second delay after each iteration. scripts are not depend from incoming ticks

What I would suggest is broadening out the "Tools -> Options -> Events" tab to enable it to do more than simply call up ".wav" files. If it were possible within this tab to either play a sound, send an e-mail and any other options someone might want to dream up, I think this would make this tab a lot more useful.

You can select not only wav-files but any executable files or files with registered extensions for automatical opening
Hi Metaquotes,

Well, I've had a play with the "Events" tab as you suggested above and now have MetaTrader sending e-mails when MetaTrader either connects or disconnects, outside of running the actual experts. Thanks for your help!


Coen, could you share your script here please?
Hi GT,

You'll actually need an executable etc as well. If you leave your e-mail address, I'll mail it all to you.


Coen Willemse
thanks, you can email it to: gt4x at yahoo dot com
It's on it's way to you.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.
Hi GT,

You'll actually need an executable etc as well. If you leave your e-mail address, I'll mail it all to you.


Coen Willemse


Can you also e-mail it to michal1 at ?

Thank you.