Metatrader (Connection Lost) Problem because of bad Broker Demo Server?

Good day to you all. Is it a known bug that demo accounts often disconnect from Metatrader? My internet connection on my VPS server is constantly stable because I monitor it with a software.

I get this problem mainly in demo accounts and sometimes in live accounts.

In demo accounts the disconnects are sometimes even 30 seconds and sometimes minutes. 

Is this a known problem and is it possibly due to the poor demo servers of the brokers?

Or any other ideas about this topic?


Yes, demo accounts are not that stable as real accounts are, it seems that brokers are not that concerned about them.

So, its not rare to see disconnections now and then.


1. The forex market is closed during the weekends so some brokers are making the maintenance of their server (on weekend).

2. Many broker (most of them) are providing the demo accounts for limited time only.

3. "My internet connection on my VPS server is constantly stable ..."
It is not about internet connection only. It may be about the serucitry software which VPS provider is using for the servers with VPS.
You can look at Metatrader journal to check the error number (it should be written something in the journal).
if it is "error 403" so read this thread (first page of the thread)

Installation is failed - I got the following error message when trying to update a paid for EA on my live VPS.
Installation is failed - I got the following error message when trying to update a paid for EA on my live VPS.
  • 2023.01.26
I got the following error message when trying to update a paid for ea on my live vps. I tried to download a demo ea from the marketplace and received the same error. Yes, i found several posts/threads where the users are complaining about same error 403 with this vps provider