How to change server?

I have installed Meta on two computers.
First copmuter has server MetaQuotesDemo.
Second computer- InterbankFX.
Now I am looking at slightly different charts.
I'd like to have same servers on two computers.
Could anyone explain me how to change server?
Thanks in advance.
I have installed Meta on two computers.
First copmuter has server MetaQuotesDemo.
Second computer- InterbankFX.
Now I am looking at slightly different charts.
I'd like to have same servers on two computers.
Could anyone explain me how to change server?
Thanks in advance.

Thanks Sub
I tried that -entered name of the server only - MetaQuotes-Demo - MetaQuotes Software Corp.
but did not work and didi not saved this name in the server window.
Thanks Sub
I tried that -entered name of the server only - MetaQuotes-Demo - MetaQuotes Software Corp.
but did not work and didi not saved this name in the server window.

You could go to the computer with the interbank server and "Open an account." this should create another demo account pointing to the demo server...

Thanks dwt5

Tried that.
But the only choice I have is InterbankFX.
The only choice I have on the other computer is MetaQuotes-older installation.
I also tried to change countries.
So the only way out (as I see)is to change the older Meta to newer Interbank.
The biggest difference I could spot is Interbank on Friday had last bar 21:45 and Meta 22:45 -
both on 15min.
Thanks again.
It is really strange!
On one computer it is installed with Interbank and on the second installs with Metraquote server.
Both without option to change.
Even that I use same installerSetup and clean the registry before installing nea Meta.
It is really strange!
On one computer it is installed with Interbank and on the second installs with Metraquote server.
Both without option to change.
Even that I use same installerSetup and clean the registry before installing nea Meta.

I agree, Interbank is my broker, but if I request a new Demo account from File=>Open New Account, it sets up a new demo on the MetaQuote server. You might try deleting all the accounts and starting all over again..
Plus you might update both to build 183
Thanks Sub
I tried that -entered name of the server only - MetaQuotes-Demo - MetaQuotes Software Corp.
but did not work and didi not saved this name in the server window.

before copy from /config directory MetaQuotes-Demo.srv to another config directory
Hey Slawa
thank you very much.
Thanks again.