Some direct questions on trendlines

MQ Guys,

I've continually asked about better Trendlines in MT4 as well as issues with Trendlines by Angle (refer "Trendlines still a pain in the ...." )

1. How do I go about maintaining Trendlines by Angle when I alter the Vertical Scale ? You said in the above thread that these would be fixed soon. Can you tell me when 'soon' is or give me some rough timeframe.
2. How much work do you have to go to to also have a Left Ray option in Trendlines ? I see this as a simple addition but would like to better understand why it seems to not have happened yet.
3. From that same post:-
The issue is simply that often you don't know what is the middle point of a trendline if it is not solely contained within the chart area i.e. if it's a long trendline and you are not absolutely sure it's a middle point, then your trendline angle/position is altered. Using the SHIFT key is a safeguard - if it's not the middle point, the SHIFT key will just make the trendline longer and not alter the angle.

I've asked quite a few times for a better way to move longterm trendlines on short timeframes where the middle grabpoint is way off the chart.

Can you please explain how I move a trendline up and down when the middle grabpoint is months away in history please ? I need to align the trendline to recent historical price moves. If I've not explained this properly, please let me know.

I hope these direct questions is better for you guys and that it also increases our confidence in MQ. Knowing the right way to get correct responses is always a good thing.


1. i cant say you when exactlly
2. the amount of our work is not problem
3. make a copy and move it. When making a copy, middle point is accurate under your mouse.

Best Regards

From your previous thread, I was expecting a little more verbose replies - I guess my questions are still not being properly understood.

1. OK - thanks. I guess this function will remain totally unusable for an unknown and extended period of time.

2. No idea what your reply means here. When will a simple addition of a Left Ray function be implemented ?

3. When making a copy and moving it, the point under the mouse is the far right control position. Add to this, the entire trendline moves to the right by the distance between your current mouse position and that of the right control position. Please tell me a better way to do this without disturbing the trendlines' X axis position ?

Making a copy and moving it is a rough hack solution to what should be an easy operation. I'm a user giving you vital feedback that something in your platform doesn't work in a user-freindly manner - please fix this.


what did you expected, that i will write you a novel? Are my answers helped you? If yes, so no problem.

No idea what your reply means here.

Read your own question first.

When will a simple addition of a Left Ray function be implemented ?

We will think of it.

3-rd question: i think we are speaking about different things. Write email to our support and describe the situation in max details, ok.

Best Regards

No, I wasn't expecting a novel though I wasn't expecting a totallynon-committal answer either. You have said just today that if we ask for specifics, you'll give us specifics in return. My first question is to give me an idea when you are going to fix a function in MT4 that is simply not working.

1. Are you intent on fixing it? Is it a long time to fix it or a short time? A day, a week, a month or in version 5? Some estimation of a timeframe to fix a fundemental indicator flaw would be a good customer service response.

2. Same really for the implentation of a Left Ray. You've been saying 'We will think of it' now for quite a few months. How do things get on your implementation list ? Left Rays are a standard part of trendlines in every charting package I've ever used except for Metatrader.

3. OK, I'll send a 4th email to your support email address about this. Could you perhaps ask Gaies Chreis to review the emails he has said he'd get answered right away ? I'll send another one anyway in case the previous 4 have been misplaced.

Thanks for the help so far and apologies for the apparent language difficulties we're experiencing with this constant to'ing and fro'ing of responses.

There is the only one criteria of answers rating: do they help or not.

1. yes, we will do it. when? - i cant say you now.
2. We will think of it - now only this answer
3. ok

PS: stop asking same questions.

Best Regards

If you (therefore MQ) finds your clients irritating, which apparently you do, I suggest MQ stop's wasting everybody's time and just close MQ.

It is not your brokers that are your clients. They'll drop MQ if users refuse to use the platform.

The reason people repeat themselves on this forum is because questions are hardly ever answered in the first place. Certainly not by MQ.

You better go and sit down and figure out if you want to stay in business or not, if you do, pay polite attention to your clients. The decision if you succeed or fail lies with them, not you...

I fear you might have a different impression....