Hidden features - page 3


What part of Rule 8 does the banning apply to? From the above comment I see only lighthearted banter.

I don't see numerous breakings of rules
I don't see ignoring of remarks of a moderator
and I don't see open disrespect for administration

Could I respectfully suggest that the English skills/translation has misinterpreted his comments ?


P.S Now I'm wondering when I'll get banned for my efforts on getting MT4 improved [shudder]
there is technical forum of the MetaQuotes Software Corp. not anarchic newsgroup. even freedom-loving fidonet echoes have rules and moderators with absolutly authority. send complaint anywhere. to Tom Jennings for instance.

The guy was making a joke, plain and simple. Moderators also need to be understanding as well as having the ability to admit they may have misunderstood a users' comments and grant a reprive.


I don't see ignoring of remarks of a moderator

Thats the reason, we said many times "descussions are useless". You are keep on useless talks.

Are you realy read the Rules, Martin?

Best Regards

Yes I've read the rules. I'm not ignoring any remarks of a moderator. I have attempted to bring to light the other side to the banning of a user.

I was under the impression that you banned him for the comments in the quote section at the top of page 2 of this thread.

I was continuing the thread as I didn't understand you.

Best Regards