Problems with prices

Is there a problem with the price data being sent out to Metatrader 4? On Friday afternoon, GBPUSD showed some very odd spikes during late afternoon, and today ( Monday 27 June 14:05 GMT) both GBPUSD and EURUSD are out of synch with other providers that I monitor. EUR is currently showing 52 on Metatrader 4 and 61/63 & 61/64 on my other providers. GBP is showing 71 on Metatrader 4 and 77/80 and 77/80 on my other providers. The problem can be seen graphically on the charts for the smaller time frames.

Many thanks.
MT4 GBP USD now showing 84 and 2 other providers showing 65/68 and 63/66. In addition, the current candle seems to have some odd behaviour also, appearing and then reappearing. Is this behaviour specific to me? or do other persons see this also?

Many thanks

I'm watching the same thing here - up and down 20 pips at a time. Like watching a yo-yo and definitely not normal market/price behavior. I'm also seeing it on the EUR - may be more but thats the 2 currencies I have open at the mo.

Has been going on for the last 15 - 20 mins, judging by the 5 min candles. Must be something odd in the MetaQuotes quotes server.

I also noticed that, Eur/Usd was jumping up to ten a tick, while other providers I was watching was stationary....
Well, gee...thats probably not good.