Data import behaviour on mt4


Hello everyone, as you know by default charts on mt4 load x amount of history on chart based on settings/broker availability. My question is, let's say I'm on 1m chart and on platform settings I set "maximum bars on charts" to 100k. Then my charts will contain likely 20k bars because of most broker limitation of data. 

Now let's say I download last 100k bars from other source, format it to csv readable by mt4, and import them to mt4. Now I can see all 100k bars imported on chart, my question is: are previous 20k being overwritten by new imported data or new imported data stop importing when they meet already existing data for that date? 

Hope question is clear. Thank's 

  1. ironhak: Now I can see all 100k bars imported on chart
    Did you enlarge maximum bars in history?
  2. ironhak: my question is: are previous 20k being overwritten by new imported data 
William Roeder #:
  1. Did you enlarge maximum bars in history?
  2. Yes.

Thank you :)