Refreshing all quotes - page 2

Do you mean MtGetSecurities?

I tried MtGetSecurities. It returns a ConSecurity*. In the ConSecurity, the "spread" parameter is 0. I would expect it to return 3 or 4 or something larger than 0.

sorry. there is undocumented function. forgotten. sorry. add to mtapi.h
MT_API int MtGetSecurityInfo(const int handle,const char *symbol,ConSecurity *sbi);

add to MetaTraderAPI.h

typedef int          (*MtGetSecurityInfo_t)(const int handle,const char *symbol,ConSecurity *sbi);

and to the class CMetaTraderAPI

   MtGetSecurityInfo_t           MtGetSecurityInfo;
   int			       GetSecurityInfo(const char *symbol,ConSecurity *sbi);

also for last quotes try to use MtGetSymbol function