How often do you optimise your EAs?


Hi all,

How frequently do you optimize your EA(s) to maintain their optimal performance in the face of market changes?

Also,  how long is the period you use when optimising, e.g. 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?

Bo_Master: Hi all, How frequently do you optimize your EA(s) to maintain their optimal performance in the face of market changes? Also,  how long is the period you use when optimising, e.g. 3 months, 6 months, 1 year?

It's not really possible to give a clear answer to your question because it depends on the strategy and how the EA was designed.

Speaking for myself and the EA's I design and code myself, I don't do any optimisation at all.

I design them to be adaptable and to self adjust. I choose strategies that facilitate that possibility and stay away from strategies that are two complex.

So, in summary, it depends on the strategy, and the skill of the coder who designed the EA.

Fernando Carreiro #:

It's not really possible to give a clear answer to your question because it depends on the strategy and how the EA was designed.

Speaking for myself and the EA's I design and code myself, I don't do any optimisation at all.

I design them to be adaptable and to self adjust. I choose strategies that facilitate that possibility and stay away from strategies that are two complex.

So, in summary, it depends on the strategy, and the skill of the coder who designed the EA.

Wow that way of EA design sounds amazing. Have you always been a coder? Where would I start if I want to code my own EA?
Bo_Master #: Where would I start if I want to code my own EA?

Like everything else in life—by doing your research to gain the knowledge, by practising to gain the skill and experience.

You can reference the Documentation, you can read the Articles, and you can study the examples in the CodeBase.

You can also search for books and videos available of the web.

But please take note, that coding or programming, is like any other skill one learns in life—it takes time, dedication and effort.

So, don't expect to be proficient in just a few weeks. It may take years to be really good at it.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Like everything else in life—by doing your research to gain the knowledge, by practising to gain the skill and experience.

You can reference the Documentation, you can read the Articles, and you can study the examples in the CodeBase.

You can also search for books and videos available of the web.

But please take note, that coding or programming, is like any other skill one learns in life—it takes time, dedication and effort.

So, don't expect to be proficient in just a few weeks. It may take years to be really good at it.

Thank you again, Fernando. I understand. I will persevere!