Broker referral for US Stocks that accepts Metatrader 5!

I need referrals from banks or brokers that accept trading with US Stocks (Not CFDs) with Metatrader 5. I don't want forex brokers that offer CFDs, I would like banks or brokers that accept MT5 to trade real US Stocks. Can anyone help me? ?

Such recommendations are not allowed in the forum, you should make your own search online.

Eleni Anna Branou # :

Tais não são permitidos no fórum, você deve fazer sua própria pesquisa online.

I've done it and I didn't get any satisfactory return, in fact I don't need a recommendation, I need options that do what I'm looking for. I believe that the forum is exactly for cooperation and passing of experience between the members, right?

Adan Fabbri #: I've done it and I didn't get any satisfactory return, in fact I don't need a recommendation, I need options that do what I'm looking for. I believe that the forum is exactly for cooperation and passing of experience between the members, right?

No, not right! As @Eleni Anna Branou has already stated, it is against the rules of this forum.

There are however many other websites that do exactly what you ask. They offer a list of brokers, describing what each offers, with ratings and user comments.

So use those websites and forums instead of insisting that it should be done here.

Fernando Carreiro #:

No, not right! As @Eleni Anna Branou has already stated, it is against the rules of this forum.

There are however many other websites that do exactly what you ask. They offer a list of brokers, describing what each offers, with ratings and user comments.

So use those websites and forums instead of insisting that it should be done here.

Fernando, are the rules yours or the site's? Do you have a contract explaining that the exchange of experiences between members is not accepted? what you didn't understand or I expressed myself badly is if there is any brokerage that allows the trading of REAL US Stocks (not being CFD), I didn't ask for any broker recommendation.

Adan Fabbri #: Fernando, are the rules yours or the site's? Do you have a contract explaining that the exchange of experiences between members is not accepted? what you didn't understand or I expressed myself badly is if there is any brokerage that allows the trading of REAL US Stocks (not being CFD), I didn't ask for any broker recommendation.

@Eleni Anna Branou, is a moderator. If a moderator tells you it is against the rules, then you just have to accept it.

With so many other sites offering you exactly what you need, why keep insisting that it should be allowed here?

I'm not a moderator but you can read more about the forum rules here ...

General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - Forex Forum on automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - Forex Forum on automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
  • 2017.03.09
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Fernando Carreiro # :

@Eleni Anna Branou , é moderadora. Se um moderador disser que é contra as regras, então você só precisa aceitá-lo.

Com tantos outros sites oferecendo exatamente o que você precisa, por que continuar insistindo que isso deveria ser permitido aqui?

Não sou moderador, mas você pode ler mais sobre as regras do fórum aqui...

Fernando, the time you spend answering me what I don't need, could answer something useful regarding my doubt. Let's be more objective, I know what the purpose of the forum is and I've helped people with technical questions in mql5 several times.

Adan Fabbri #:

Fernando, the time you spend answering me what I don't need, could answer something useful regarding my doubt. Let's be more objective, I know what the purpose of the forum is and I've helped people with technical questions in mql5 several times.

You need to understand that if broker talk was allowed in this forum, you would have 1 answer from one user, then another one would suggest that this is not a good choice and would suggest something else and so on and at the end you would end up so confused as the time you asked your question, so believe me your own search is the best course of action.

Behind brokers and commercial solutions there are huge interests and marketing forces at work, so this would never be objective.

Fernando only tried to point out that in respect to this forum's rules and practices.
Adan Fabbri: I need referrals from banks or brokers that accept trading with US Stocks (Not CFDs) with Metatrader 5. I don't want forex brokers that offer CFDs, I would like banks or brokers that accept MT5 to trade real US Stocks. Can anyone help me? ?

If you think about it logically, it may well be that you will have great difficulty finding any institution that will trade real stocks via MetaTrader.

The reason being that to own actual stocks means that you have to exchange actual "paper representation of those stocks" as proof of ownership. It also requires large volumes of cash being moved around. I know this because I actually worked at a bank's brokerage office for a short while, many years back as an intern. There was a lot of paperwork involved at the end of each day's trading, and I was one of the interns doing that kind of paperwork. Remember that owning stock means that you receive annual dividends and may even have voting rights, so there were a lot of forms filled out and so on.

However, if you are going to be buying and selling stocks for short-term or closing out before the end of the day, and not long-term and don't actually want to hold stocks in your possession (and all the paperwork that is involved), then it makes no sense for you to want that sort of burden.

If you are going to be trading short-term, then you might as well be trading the contract for the difference (CFD) of those stocks instead, which will give you the same profit/loss of actual buying and selling the stocks themselves, but without all the bureaucratic paperwork involved with such transactions.

Trading real stocks only makes sense for long-term trading with large volumes or buy & hold investments, and for that, MetaTrader is ill suited and probably no one offers it as those types of trades are usually done manually.

For shorter term trading of stocks, their CFD's are much better suited as no extra paperwork is necessary, and in this case, MetaTrader is well suited and offered by many brokers.

Hope that answers your question!

EDIT: The following may help better explain things ... Contract for Differences (CFDs) 

Contract for Differences (CFDs) Overview & Examples
Contract for Differences (CFDs) Overview & Examples
A contract for difference (CFD) is a contract between a buyer and a seller that stipulates that the buyer must pay the seller the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at contract time. CFDs allow traders and investors an opportunity to profit from price movement without owning the underlying assets. The value of a CFD...

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News - MetaQuotes
MetaQuotes has released a completely new web terminal for MetaTrader 5.