still having Constant Expression Required


This error shows up when i try to find max array from these variables: Constant Expression Required. i've had a go, any ideas?

 double num_array[3];
   num_array[0]= RFTPD8;
   num_array[1]= RFTPD7;
   num_array[2]= RFS3;

    double num_array[3]= {RFTPD8,RFTPD7,RFS3};
   int maxValueIdx=ArrayMaximum(num_array,WHOLE_ARRAY,0);

This error shows up when i try to find max array from these variables: Constant Expression Required. i've had a go, any ideas?

This line seems unnecessary - redefining the array. 

    double num_array[3]= {RFTPD8,RFTPD7,RFS3};
Comment it out and try again
R4tna C #:

This line seems unnecessary - redefining the array. 

Comment it out and try again
 double num_array[3];
   num_array[0]= RFTPD8;
   num_array[1]= RFTPD7;
   num_array[2]= RFS3;

//    double num_array[3]= {RFTPD8,RFTPD7,RFS3};
   int maxValueIdx=ArrayMaximum(num_array,WHOLE_ARRAY,0);
done, but the value is only the maximum of the number of values, no the maximum of the values itself. I am looking for the maximum value (RFS3).
123Yaj #: done, but the value is only the maximum of the number of values, no the maximum of the values itself. I am looking for the maximum value (RFS3).

You found the index in the array with the maximum value. Read the maximum value out of the array using the index.

123Yaj #:
done, but the value is only the maximum of the number of values, no the maximum of the values itself. I am looking for the maximum value (RFS3).

The documentation explains how the return value works

ArrayMaximum - Array Functions - MQL4 Reference
ArrayMaximum - Array Functions - MQL4 Reference
ArrayMaximum - Array Functions - MQL4 Reference
William Roeder #:

You found the index in the array with the maximum value. Read the maximum value out of the array using the index.

thanks, Maxindex[array];

How would i call the value below the maximum value. something like this?

 double num_array[3];
   num_array[0]= RFTPD8;
   num_array[1]= RFTPD7;
   num_array[2]= RFS3;

//    double num_array[3]= {RFTPD8,RFTPD7,RFS3};
   int maxValueIdx=ArrayMaximum(num_array,WHOLE_ARRAY,0);

 double   NA= maxValueIdx[num_array];

double secval = maxValueIdx-1;

double NA1 = SSecval[num_array];
123Yaj #:

thanks, Maxindex[array];

How would i call the value below the maximum value. something like this?

The usage would be:

int maxValueIdx=ArrayMaximum(num_array,WHOLE_ARRAY,0);

 double   NA=num_array[maxValueIdx];

This next statement is not reliable - if the maxValueIdx is 0, you will get secVal = -1

double secval = maxValueIdx-1;

That would result in an array out of bounds error should you try and access the array (program crash).

R4tna C #:

The usage would be:

This next statement is not reliable - if the maxValueIdx is 0, you will get secVal = -1

That would result in an array out of bounds error should you try and access the array (program crash).

c++ has something like this *???

int secondLargest(int num_array[], int n=17) 

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
        if (num_array[i] != FD) 
   if (secondLargest == -1)
                secondLargest = i;
            else if (arr[i] > arr[secondLargest])
                secondLargest = i;     
    return secondLargest;

int n = ArraySize(num_array)/ArraySize(num_array[0]);
int second_largest = secondlargest(num_array,n);

   double FD2= num_array[second_largest];
123Yaj #:

c++ has something like this *???

I am not sure about your code, but have you considered using the sorting function?

That way you will have the largest value at the end (assuming you use the default direction=MODE_ASCEND) and you can work backwards to get the 2nd largest

ArraySort - Array Functions - MQL4 Reference
ArraySort - Array Functions - MQL4 Reference
ArraySort - Array Functions - MQL4 Reference