Dear fellow developers, mod, admins, did i got banned? or just temporarily banned?

hello guys, its been a year since i came back doing freelance again, and after a few projects, one of my client request my email in order to send me his/her requirements file to me after claiming that he/she unable to upload his/her requirement in discussion panel, so i simply reply with my email, and happens to notice the "please follow the rules" caption near the send button, this made me realize i just did a huge mistake, and yes a warning shows up and told me to not give any personal information, and now i still be able to work for my ongoing projects, but unable to apply for a new job, did i got banned, or temporary ban? please help me since this will affect my income, i also have tried to contact service desk but with no answer yet since days ago, but i understand they might just be busy, thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure out what happen to my account, and if there is anything i can do to resolve this issue, thank you once again in advance
i hope the support team or admins can investigate my case, coz its like i am being automatically ban/limited by system, i hope the authorities from the mql5 can see my interactions with the clients so they can see that i have no intention of carrying work out of this service, and i guarantee there are not even a single phrase where we discuss about doing the work outside this service, its purely a mistake by the system and me too, i sincerely hope they could lift my ban, coz there is no other why for me to know how to solve this issue or if this is just temporary how long this limitation will take, i seriously need help coz this is my sole source of income, thanks for everyone!