Trailing Stop in Money Instead of Pip


Hello lovely people,

I would want to code a trailing stop in money instead of in pips. I will gracefully appreciate any help on how to achieve it correctly. Below is my attempt at it.

input double TrailingStop   = 8;
input double TrailingStep   = 2; 
input double TrailingStart  = 2;
bool res;

void Trailing_inMoney()
   int res;
   double TSL=0;
   double Current_SL=(OrderStopLoss()!=0)?OrderStopLoss():OrderOpenPrice();

   double tick_size=SymbolInfoDouble(OrderSymbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);
   double pnt=SymbolInfoDouble(OrderSymbol(),SYMBOL_POINT);
   double minfromcurrentprice=SymbolInfoInteger(OrderSymbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL)*pnt;
   double loss_for_1_lot=SymbolInfoDouble(OrderSymbol(),SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE);  //Loss/Gain for a 1 tick move with 1 lot
   double loss_for_lot_size_this_trade=loss_for_1_lot*OrderLots();    //Loss/Gain for a 1 tick move with trade lot size
   double TP_ticks=TrailingStart/loss_for_lot_size_this_trade; //Trailing start
   double TP_points=MathFloor(TP_ticks*tick_size/pnt)*pnt; //TP_start

   double Max_tp_in_Money_ticks=TrailingStop/loss_for_lot_size_this_trade; // Trailing stop
   double Max_tp_in_Money_points=MathFloor(Max_tp_in_Money_ticks*tick_size/pnt)*pnt; 

   double Step_tp_in_Money_ticks=TrailingStep/loss_for_lot_size_this_trade; //Trailing step
   double Step_tp_in_Money_points=MathFloor(Step_tp_in_Money_ticks*tick_size/pnt)*pnt;      
//   Print("CurrentSL ", Current_SL);

   for(int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--) //Check this properly
         if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)

           // Max_tp_in_Money_points = Max_tp_in_Money_points + (int)MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL);
            if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && (Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>TP_points))


                  if(OrderStopLoss()< (Bid-(Max_tp_in_Money_points + Step_tp_in_Money_points)) ||



                     res = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),TSL,OrderTakeProfit(),0,clrGreen);

               if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask>TP_points))


                     if((OrderStopLoss()>(Ask+Max_tp_in_Money_points+Step_tp_in_Money_points)) ||


                        res = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),TSL,OrderTakeProfit(),0,clrRed);

To trade in money instead of pips will require you to do a number of conversations.

1. Find the value per pip per lot size.  Look at the change in price per pip.   ie:  EURUSD  1 pip/ 0.9967 price =  1.003 eur

2. Multiply by the number of unts you have 10 units   = trade value is 10.03

3. multiply this by your trading currency.     EUR to GBP   10.03 X 0.8431 = 8.74 GBP