Styler is creating incorrect formatting


Suminda Dharmasena: Styler is creating incorrect formatting

The Styler has multiple formats to choose from. Which one are you using?


My settings:

Things were fine before the above build. This only happens occasionally in nested cases.

Suminda Dharmasena #: My settings: Things were fine before the above build. This only happens occasionally in nested cases.

I'm using build 3391, and I've tested with the same options as you have provided, and you're correct in that it is in fact acting strangely.

In my case, the braces were not affected, but it's adding extra spaces in odd places, and in others breaking the lines up incorrectly. It does not seem to be applying the rules consistently and behaving in an adhoc way.

I did not notice it before, because I use only my manual styling, and don't use the auto style.

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