The future of the Forex industry - page 10


The country does not matter, the laws of economics as well as the laws of ethics do not depend on geography and circumstances

It's also a huge misconception that you need more people... no... more is not better, especially for countries with low levels of productive forces and low unit value added... more people = more hungry mouths, and if we don't compensate for that by growing the social product faster, it will only get worse... that should be obvious

We do not need people but new technologies and management methodologies + deep economic reforms to help people earn, not waiting for handouts from the state...

Also, from a long-term perspective, when robots become more economically efficient than biorobots, a large population will only be a problem.

The human factor has already altered the planet drastically, so where else are we going to get more people?

Luckily the prognoses of population growth are not so dismal after all and there will be a slowdown and decline:

OK, I am wrong, because it follows formally from your words that the better off individualists and capitalists have to pay for the expenses of the poor and large families, since you support redistribution of income (right? It is one or the other).

Could China have made such a leap without having such a huge population? Of course not. A huge population leads to cheap labor and therefore to cheap products and high competitiveness in the world market. Although, of course, other factors have also influenced the breakthrough.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

They are the basis for an indicator which, among other things, manages the trading of 34 instruments in one account at the same time. So far, it is doing its job well.

Will there be any profits? 😉


Could China have made such a leap without such a huge population? Of course not. Huge population leads to cheap labour, which means cheap manufactured goods and their high competitiveness in the world market. But of course, other factors have also contributed to the leap.

So why did Japan make the leap with no huge population, no territory, no abundant natural resources, and even after a devastating war, hmmm? 😊


So why did Japan make the leap, with no huge population, no territory, no rich natural resources, and yet after a devastating war, hmmm? 😊

Marshall Plan.

Excessive wealth

but who says it is excessive? please, think about this phrase - what is excessive? who defines the degree of excessiveness? is excessive wealth something bad? but isn't the pursuit of happiness and wealth something natural and inherent in man? okay, let's not talk about golden toilets - that's bad taste - but aren't human needs limitless? - the subject is constructed so that it will always demand more and more pleasures and benefits, both tangible and intangible (which are even more expensive!)

The reason is the inadequate difference in salaries between owners and managers on the one hand and rank-and-file employees on the other.

And why should the salary of an ordinary salaried employee be comparable to that of a manager/owner/partner?

Business owners, taking advantage of the shortage of jobs, dictate the wages of rank-and-file employees.

If I set the salary of an accountant as high as that of the cashier in Pyatiyochka, who would come to me? - No one - so I can't set the salary arbitrarily, otherwise I'll have to do everything myself...

The problem of the low wage earners is only in themselves, not because the evil capitalist decided so... and why should they get paid more? - Let them develop and become more unique - then they can demand higher wages

In my opinion, the salary gap between employees and owners should not be more than 10 times.

Why 10? What is the basis for that number?

Anything above is just robbing rank and file employees. Unfortunately at present this gap can be 1,000 times or more.

No, robbery is when there is a forced weaning or coercion to an unprofitable deal, here they have agreed to this level of salary themselves, what kind of robbery?

Hint: it's really all about people comparing themselves to others and they are just jealous that someone gets a lot more, that's all.

The Marshall Plan.

so what

it's like the Marshall Plan has become a mantra that supposedly explains everything.

but the fact of the matter is the economic recovery from the hole in the ground

it doesn't matter what the plan was or who was involved

Aleksei Stepanenko:

I will speak out in support of Drimmer so that he doesn't feel he is alone. I think so too.

Strengthening capitalism in this forum! 😃

And we weaken the rule of the state over the individual!
Aleksei Stepanenko:
And weaken the rule of the state over the individual!

Yes, paternalism is terrible.


Wealth of some does not necessarily mean slave labour and deception, you are deliberately trying to treat some extreme extreme extreme case as if from a Soviet textbook

There are two good phrases I'd like to quote for you here:

You are not entitled to someone else's hard-earned income

Rich people are not responsible for your financial prosperity - you are

There is individual labour and there is collective labour. But with collective labor it is possible to steal a piece of individual labor from each participant unnoticed.

Why convince us of the honesty of capitalist labour. Labor for everyone? yyyy.