CEdit max input size



I'm trying to use the standard library controls (Include\Controls\) to create a form, but for some reason the CEdit control (Include\Controls\Edit.mqh) limits the entry in 63 chars.

How to bypass this limitation? 


Looks like the the CEdit control is build over the OBJ_EDIT regular object, and it's 63 char limitation is associated to it.

Nevertheless, I still need a solution. Any workaround ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance.



Any kind of workaround to by pass this 63 chars limitation?



Any kind of workaround to by pass this 63 chars limitation?

Not that I'm aware of sorry. Not knowing your GUI design, the only thing I could suggest is having a second Edit box? (pretty lame I know!)

It could be a solution if it was a label, but unfortunately it's a input box.

Thanks a lot for you answer anyway.


It could be a solution if it was a label, but unfortunately it's a input box.

Thanks a lot for you answer anyway.

Welcome, sorry I couldn't be more helpful ;-)