Bitcoin miner - page 32

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Who has any thoughts on this. Specialists. Comment....

what to comment? donkey knows that bitcoin will go to $9,600-9,800 per coin and then we'll see)

Vladimir Zubov:

"Maniacs, please tell me what to mine on the proces ? have a 100+ Xeon

Leave the cpu alone)) or try monero mining))


A755, what kind of miner do you have - on which video cards (Nvidia or AMD) and on which algorithms are more profitable: Equihash, Lyra2REv2 or CryptoNight?

both red and green and different algorithms last bought a 1060 6gb based on cost and reliability, ie if you buy one 1080 I three for the same money I will collect the same hashes, as well as not so scary if one of the cards will fail ... for profitability on a non hash benchmark ...... something like that

And on Neshesh what is your most profitable algorithm now (and what are the reds and greens)?
ow....there is too much to write and it's lazy, you can search for it
And on Neshesh, what is your most profitable algorithm right now (and what are the reds and greens)?

Red - AMD

Green - NVidia

Thanks, by the way - what is your most profitable algorithm now and why?

They automatically change, depending on the NH rate according to the algorithm, and the most profitable one is chosen.

Why - I don't know...


They automatically change, depending on the NH rate according to the algorithm, and the most profitable one is chosen.

Why - I don't know...

The same exchange structure is not the same for the robot, so it switches to the maximum lot of work (they trade the work).

there is a section on the online market, that's where the control is taken from
Центробанк поддержал идею налога на майнинг
Центробанк поддержал идею налога на майнинг
  • 2017.11.15
  • Вячеслав Ларионов
В конце октября президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин поручил правительству и Центробанку РФ определить и закрепить в законодательстве правки, регулирующие статус криптовалюты и блокчейна. Сегодня стало известно, что инициативу поддержал Центральный банк. О том, что Центральный банк полностью поддерживает идею введения налога на...

What a beautiful and technical correction, just like in the books of the last century.


NiceHasn Miner 2 is glitchy (it's never good all at once :) )

Writing my own GUI with auto-switching algorithms for Excavator Miner (in my opinion the best miner for NVidia)
