Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 151


The future of programmers is code for biological robots and DNA drives.


A little about the library:

Vladimir Karputov #:

A little bit about the library:

More to divide, inside the colours, there are pictures. No pictures.


The ice carousel


Flying discs. Developments.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Flying discs. Developments.

Every minute is a masterpiece of thought. For the humour branch, that's a good one. But it's sad that some people take it so seriously.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Every minute is a masterpiece of thought. For a branch of humour, that's a good one. But it's sad that some people take it so seriously.

Already by the presence in the title of the words "forbidden" / "scientists hide" / "secret laws of nature" / "hidden capabilities" / and the like - you can understand that there is a scientific freakery designed for an audience of illiterate masses of primitive laymen and profane ignoramuses.

Scientific freakery is a product of fermentation of fragmentary scientific knowledge or just circum-scientific nonsense in the skulls of individuals who are far from the subject area but have minimal knowledge to bring the thought-mass to the state of logical "refuting" or in the best case trivial conclusions. As a rule, all this "content" is internally repeatedly contradictory, i.e. "refuting" only on the basis of creativity.

It is easy to recognize freakishness: a freak appeals to the emotions of the public rather than to verified scientific sources, or he pulls quotes/references from unverified sources without any validation, a freak most often attacks the official scientific position, arguing it as "enemy ring" or "conspiracy", while his ego goes overboard and there are no real achievements, but his content is always presented as sensational, latest achievements, novelty, originality, non-dogmatism, etc...

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Every minute is a masterpiece of thought. For a branch of humour, that's a good one. But it's sad that some people take it so seriously.

I was expecting such a response. That was the calculation, to see such people.)

The moral of the video is interesting, not the fact that the UFO did or did not fly.

How many people want to get something and become rich without investing their minds.

The same happens in the markets.

But you and the "dreamer" do not notice such trifles. Really?


Not enough time to waste on silly moralising from a obscurantist conspiracy theorist... 😏 I'd rather spend time on self-education than watch this slag.

By the way, this John Searle is just an example of an upstart with no education, no wonder his "law of squares" is a Chinese Lo Shu scheme used in Feng Shui calculations. 😁 How typical that the article about him has a phrase about the LAWS OF NATURE:

Он уверен, что описанные им законы природы, были досконально известны древним. По его словам, этим знаниям более 5000 лет.

Classic... All the obscurantist conspiracy theorists are repeating these phrases one after another...

Remarkably, the headlines from the channel from that video are also hilarious: "watch it before it's deleted", "scientists in shock", "FORBIDDEN...", "FORBIDDEN...", "Eternal Engine", "FREE...", "Juice kills cancer in 42 days..." -- what kind of collective farmer or illiterate housewife has to be to watch this seriously? 😒


Next, a masterpiece of sick logic from the same John Searle article:

Однако он, к сожалению, заявляет, что боится публично демонстрировать свои изобретения в связи с тем, что есть угроза со стороны спецслужб. Поэтому на данный момент не существует ни одного действующего образца генератора и Джон Сёрл является единственным в мире хранителем этого секрета.

It reminds me of someone: I know the laws of nature, but I won't say anything to anyone or there will be disastrous consequences, yep. 😏

Next, it's funny too:

There are scientists in Russia, too, who have reproduced the Searle effect - Vladimir Roshchin and Sergey Godin. But their works have mysteriously disappeared, only a patent application is left. Anyway it is obvious (like in example with Tesla, who destroyed his inventions) that till now mankind did not reached that level of spiritual development, at which infinite energy can be beneficial and will not serve to destroy our species.

Amazing! Conspiracy! 🙂😏😁

No wonder this John Searle went to jail, went bankrupt and his wife left him... - And it's only fair that braggarts, false prophets and obscurantists fall to the social bottom.