Who trades on levels share their experiences - page 72

Uladzimir Izerski:

Start a thread and write in it as much as you like. No one will say a word to you. Don't bother other people. Don't spoil people's moods. If you get banned, no one will cry.

And you're not bothering anyone with your waves, you'll be pissing them off for another ten years, and it's no use.
Vladimir Baskakov:
And you are not bothering anyone with your waves, you will be littering them for another ten years and it will do no good.

At least he's offering something and all you're doing is littering.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

At least he's offering something and you're just littering.

I asked you not to post on the forum, don't you understand?
Vladimir Baskakov:
I asked you not to write to me on the forum, don't you understand?

Who are you anyway?

Vladimir Baskakov:
I asked you not to write on the forum, don't you understand?

I'm asking you not to write on the forum, don't you understand?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I'm asking you not to write on the forum, don't you understand?

It's good that we have freedom of opinion, I say what's right, you say what's right. That's the way it should be.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Who are you anyway?

He is a bastard, however, he thinks he is some kind of Hitler here and he bullies everyone with his high opinion, like we have freedom of speech here and he can insult everyone, but he cannot be sent to the three letters, it is not clear that he is a relative of Renat, that he can insult everyone, but if he is not removed, then we should leave this forum and let him play with himself here... Or he's the chief policeman of the forum... or the chief judge is judging everyone for his own pleasure and he's going crazy with impunity... and you don't say a word to him...

I have asked him with all my might not to be rude to his elders - he does not understand in private.

Hi grandpa! Of course I can get banned, but that won't teach you to trade, you'll still be 0 in trading;)
2021.01.10 08:40
You're not the first or the last naive expert in everything - there are plenty of such naive ones here so don't screw up, or else we mortals hate talking to such a super duper man... You're sick of your childish, but with the pretence of great knowledge posts, you need publicity, start a page in the blog for bloggers sdeshnem, so go reformat on the good boy, here, people are generally not evil, always help and advice, if that, so do not hurt or insult, write anything, if you want to flicker, I also have this disease at first was ....I got tired of it ... but with time it goes away, you become a freak or you get used to it, you get used to it ... and you need to get banned, I've been banned more than once ... for my arrogance too...
2021.01.11 03:25
I didn't touch you, you did it yourself. You don't know how to trade, you poke around like a kitten. I'm not interested in your opinion
2021.01.11 03:27
I'm telling you again, people aren't mean, patient, they understand that you're a young puppy, but you make yourself out to be some kind of a pussy... In general, I'm not talking about trade, I'm okay I can not trade, I'm not trash around that I know how to trade, here people do not brag about trade, unless some for the sake of advertising, such as you, but on the forum you can not find customers, there all secrets any seller, and that he can and that can, and many sell themselves, but no one cries that he is the most powerful in trade ... When you grow up, you'll read some smart books and then you'll understand it all by yourself ... Of course, you want to make millions at once, but not everyone is able to do it immediately and you have to learn a lot ... Most importantly, you have to behave properly in society ... If you're going to be rude again, I'll post it on the forum...
2021.01.11 04:25
Unread messages
Please, I have nothing to hide
You are a nub and your opinion is 0
2021.01.11 05:01
I will be lectured by you.
2021.01.11 05:02

No, how much longer can this moral freak, fascist here be tolerated...

If it does not come to this I will start a separate branch and will criticize him there, so to speak, as he "criticizes" everything here with his insults... I can't stand such fascist bastards...

I have an idea for every insulting post he makes, make a re-post below, that way we will teach him to respect people and real freedom of opinion, and even re-educate him over time...


Gostpodas, if you don't like someone, there's a special button in the interface called "insults". After all, everyone has a link to the moderators.

It's probably not a good idea to clog up threads with mutual complaints over many, many years.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Gostpodas, if you don't like someone, there's a special button in the interface called "insults". After all, everyone has a link to the moderators.

It's probably not worth littering the threads with mutual complaints over many, many years.

Clicking the button doesn't work - and apparently they don't find any crime in his insults...((

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Who are you, anyway?

A rare fool, with a womanizing, scandalous temper).