The online KKM or new sticks in the wheels for freelancers


Our government has already put small businesses in a vise (

Now they want everyone to use online cash registers from July 1....

Who is ready?

For information, the price tag of the connection varies from 3,000 roubles a month to 50,000 a year.

And those who accept payment for example through yandex.kassa, there are ready solutions (as well as for other payment aggregators)

Atol Kassa = 42 100r. per year

Module.Kassa = 33,000 rubles.

In this case, get another gadget for the off-line issuance of checks and transfer them online operator of fiscal data, with which also is not free to conclude an agreement.

Where would one hide and pay taxes and another penalty in the middle of nowhere.

I certainly run an honest business with all the accounts, but I do not want to pay for yet another piece of crap that I will never use. But I also do not want to receive fines either. ....

I do not want to get any fines, either. (How can I do this and where should I go?)

In brief, the law 54-FZ:

Who it affects

The reform applies to almost everyone, but at different times: first those who used a cash register and then the rest.

  • From 1 February, the Federal Tax Service registers only online cash registers: you can still trade on the old model cash register, but you can no longer install one.
  • From 1 July, only online cash registers can be used, otherwise you have to pay a fine.
  • From 1 July 2018, everyone will install online cash registers: businessmen who provide services and carry out work; own an online shop, vending machine or payment terminal; work under the UTII or patent system.

If you already have a cash register, replace it by 1 July. If you do not have a cash register, you have another year to prepare.

Who is not concerned

The law allows some businesses and individual entrepreneurs to operate without a cash register. For example, you can repair shoes, sell ice cream and watermelons, sell kokoshniks at fairs and carry luggage at a train station without a cash register. For a full list of exceptions, seeArticle 2 of the law on cash registers.

You don't need an online cash register if you work in an area where internet access is poor. Whether it is good or bad is up to the regional authorities; the federal ones approve it. Ask the regional administration whether your village is included in the list of hard-to-reach.

What is the essence of the reform?

From now on the cash registers have to be connected to the internet and to send the electronic version of receipts to the tax office. For this purpose, instead of an electronic tape (ECLZ), the cash register should have a fiscal storage device (FSS). The intermediary, the fiscal data operator, will transmit information from the fiscal storage device to the tax authorities.

What happens if you don't comply with the law

If after July 1 you will trade with outdated cash register, you will face a fine of 10 thousand rubles, if you trade without cash register - 30 thousand rubles.

Статья 2. Особенности применения контрольно-кассовой техники / КонсультантПлюс
1. Контрольно-кассовая техника не применяется кредитными организациями в автоматических устройствах для расчетов, находящихся в их собственности или пользовании и обеспечивающих возможность осуществления операций по выдаче и (или) приему наличных денежных средств, в том числе с использованием электронных средств платежа, и по передаче...

Now you have to wonder what a CCM is

Alexandr Gavrilin:


Are you sure you got it right?
Alexandr Gavrilin:

Our government has already put small businesses in a vise (

Now they want everyone to use online cash registers from July 1....

Who is ready?

For information, the price tag of the connection varies from 3,000 roubles a month to 50,000 a year.

And those who accept payment for example through yandex.kassa, there are ready solutions (as well as for other payment aggregators)

Atol Kassa = 42 100r. per year

Module.Kassa = 33,000 rubles.

In this case, get another gadget for the off-line issuance of checks and transfer them online operator of fiscal data, with which also is not free to conclude an agreement.

Where would one hide and pay taxes and another penalty in the middle of nowhere.

I certainly run an honest business with all the accounts, but I do not want to pay for yet another piece of crap that I will never use. But I also do not want to receive fines either. ....

What should I do?)

There are not enough dogs for the Shuvalovs


If you are not a sole proprietorship or a limited company or run a shady business, this does not apply to you...

Read what a cash register or cash register office is.

Penalty for not having one from 30,000 roubles

С 1 июля упрощенцев ждет беда
С 1 июля упрощенцев ждет беда
  • 2017.06.02
  • Журнал "Упрощенка"
Налоговики рассылают упрощенцам «письма счастья» по онлайн кассам. Одно такое письмо в редакцию журнала «Упрощенка» переслал читатель — главбух фирмы на УСН (см. скрин). Фирме назначили проверку касс из-за того, что ЭКЛЗ старой ККТ закончил действие и теперь им надо перейти на фискальный накопитель новой онлайн кассы. Но фирма «в разумный...
Alexandr Gavrilin:

If you are not a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company or run a shady business, this does not apply to you...

What is a cash register or a cash register, read on.

The fine for the absence of this apparatus from 30 thousand rubles.

Where do you want me to read it? Will your hands fly off if you write everything at once normally?

In general, what is the purpose of the theme, if you answer like that?


In brief:

Who is affected

The reform affects almost everyone, but at different times: first those who used to use a cash register, and then the rest.

  • From 1 February, the Federal Tax Service registers only online cash registers: you can still trade on the old model cash register, but it is no longer possible to install one.
  • From 1 July, only online cash registers can be used, otherwise you have to pay a fine.
  • From 1 July 2018, everyone will install online cash registers: businessmen who provide services and carry out work; own an online shop, vending machine or payment terminal; work under the UTII or patent system.

If you already have a cash register, replace it by 1 July. If you do not have a cash register, you have another year to prepare.

Who is not concerned

The law allows some businesses and individual entrepreneurs to operate without a cash register. For example, you can repair shoes, sell ice cream and watermelons, sell kokoshniks at fairs and carry luggage at a train station without a cash register. For a full list of exceptions, seeArticle 2 of the law on cash registers.

You don't need an online cash register if you work in an area where internet access is poor. Whether it is good or bad is up to the regional authorities; the federal ones approve it. Ask the regional administration whether your village is included in the list of hard-to-reach.

What is the essence of the reform?

From now on the cash registers have to be connected to the internet and to send the electronic version of receipts to the tax office. For this purpose, instead of an electronic tape (ECLZ), the cash register must have a fiscal storage device (FSS). The intermediary, the fiscal data operator, will transmit information from the fiscal storage device to the tax authorities.

What happens if you don't comply with the law

If after July 1 you will trade with outdated cash register, you will face a fine of 10 thousand rubles, if you trade without cash register - 30 thousand rubles.

Статья 2. Особенности применения контрольно-кассовой техники / КонсультантПлюс
1. Контрольно-кассовая техника не применяется кредитными организациями в автоматических устройствах для расчетов, находящихся в их собственности или пользовании и обеспечивающих возможность осуществления операций по выдаче и (или) приему наличных денежных средств, в том числе с использованием электронных средств платежа, и по передаче...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

What place is there to read? Do your hands fall off if you write all at once normally?

What's the purpose of the topic if you're answering like that?

He seems to have a cash register at home just for his freelance customers to write checks and is now worried that it needs to be connected to the Internet
Yuriy Zaytsev:

You could still put them in the temples.

Good idea, if I were the Tsar I would, and I would put the officials on a card payment system like in Soviet times, banning them from using any means of payment
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Good idea, if I were the Tsar I would do it, and the priests would pay by card like in Soviet times.

In Soviet times they stopped paying for all this from the treasury - and it was called persecution

If you put cash registers and charge tax - it will be called persecution again.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
In Soviet times they stopped paying for all this from the treasury - and it was called persecution

so the desperate will always hang on to the freebies