selecting the hardware (computer) to use - page 14

Alexander Laur:

You know what they call them -"beggars in the crown", who for 100 rubles want to be taken and even in a Bmw/Merina/Audi.

I always leave a tip because:

1. I respect other people's work. Driving around town all day is hard work and I appreciate and respect that;

2. I understand why there are such prices in a taxi;

3. I understand that many people's need (life situation) drives them to work in a taxi, rather than their desire.

That's why I ALWAYS leave a tip.


Today I was walking with a girl, I have known her since her son's kindergarten. She says: "Lesha, tell me something tender.

- Once Leo went out on the warpath.

First he met a hare.

- The squint, who's the king of war here?


I read the opinions - I see an interesting situation, I guess I was misunderstood, I thought I wrote clearly: if he starts bullshitting.

There is a price for a specific distance for a specific time and it was established, the route in question - one and the same and it costs exactly 100 rubles and everyone knows it, and even the official taxi on call does not take more. But some people, very rarely, start brazenly demanding - that's exactly what I send them .

Or in a situation where a person starts to talk dirty, rude- does anyone give him a tip?

I think you should have just written: And if you meet a friendly, pleasant person who shows attention, interesting conversation while driving, then I'm happy to give more than the rate. But I did not describe all life situations within the forum discussion, but focused on a particular one.

>>> That's why I ALWAYS leave a tip.

Even if they're rude and cheeky, I don't give tips to rude people...

If you ALWAYS tip, it's not for the real appreciation of services rendered, they are usually of different quality, but rather for the sake of personal ego. If you respect the person, you do not tip from the shoulder. Sometimes when I have dinner or lunch in a cafe, I observe the faces of those who leave a tip, gratitude is noticeable and well seen in their movements, facial expressions, looks, or even absence of a glance at the waiter, the way these tips are given.

Alexander Laur - Before you evaluate,please understand the description of the situation.

Alexander Laur:

In the situation got into and realized: if you're in the Job you refuse to work for 10 quid, which other programmers are willing to do, . ..

I daresay that you do not quite understand me.

I don't refuse such work, if I do it in a few minutes - an hour or two - then I'll do it, and I have such work.

That's when the work they want to pay $ 10 - $ 20 - but the timing and costs of the work stretches to 100-200-300 - of course I will refuse.

In addition, regular customers often make discounts, sometimes large, and if I correct the code made by me or someone else for 5-10 minutes - also do not take more.

Alexander Laur:

I understand you perfectly, but you seem to apply different approaches in assessing the work / services (in relation to themselves, to others).

You judge the work of taxi drivers by the willingness of other taxi drivers to do the trip (the work) at a given cost, but when you yourself need to do something, you apply other criteria of evaluation - time and cost, rather than the willingness of others to do the work at a given price.

No, I don't.

Why do you think I gave an example with a taxi, I replied: I was not comparing the work of a taxi driver and a programmer, only described the example of economic situation.

Wages, massively not raised two or three times. When the dollar was 30, it was a different time and different rates. When 1 dollar began to fly up to 70-60rub - people naturally began to look towards cheaper iron .

Taxis will not be ready - 24 hours to drive around the city for 2 dollars, 30 minutes maximum. Why then the programmer must perform the task for a few days, which can not be fulfilled in its complexity for a reasonable time,

But the customer is willing to pay only $ 10 for complex work, where there is a different approach. The criteria are adequate and quite normal.

I could do the same job for $10, if I spend enough time on it.

That's why it is logical not to knock orders for $ 10-20 and to carry them for hours over several days, if at a reasonable time the order can not be completed - it is valued more.

It is much more logical and correct for such freelancers to just sit in a car and taxi, economically it makes more sense.


I was reading a computer magazine and came across this phrase: "ssd speed is only limited by sata3 interface, PCI Express interface is much faster".

searched for ssd on psiexpress and found this:
they work at 3000mbps.

modern hard disks are 200mbps.
these are the tests people ran:

but if you bought the hard drive 5-10 years ago, it has a speed of 30 mbps.

So by replacing your old hard drive with a new ssd, you can increase the data reading speed by 100x!

there is a program you can use to measure the speed of your hard drive.


I was reading a computer magazine and came across this phrase: "ssd speed is limited only by sata3 interface, PCI Express interface is much faster".

a program you can use to measure the speed of your hard drive.

SSD Comparison and Reliability (for info).

Better get the test program from the official website:

Buy an MAK. You won't have any problems even after 5 years.
Then you'll make some money and buy a new one.)