Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1027


Hi, could you tell mehow to hide the indicator buffer when installing it to Meta Trader and out of the data window,but save this data for calculation?

Yevhenii Levchenko:

When I edit posts, for some reason all sorts of obscure links get inserted (which I didn't insert - just edited posts without links). Sometimes it's pi-pal, sometimes it's something like that:

What is this and why is it self inserted? Is it something wrong with my computer or is this normal?

BIG BROTHER I have there disappears cursor or the message remains and the cursor goes below, the text is the same in what kind of background image and have to write again. once came out funny box - enter username and password. SZY palka offers to solve their problems by turning off the anti-virus, and I stole 50 Ue today that mkl still have not received. where are they that day waiting for an answer from those and not promises on the phone (Finance: Financial transactions restricted

Not processed, Started: 2019.12.20 17:07, #2534472.

Well, and this point - no browsers or antivirus are not interested in overcoming valmars like those that stick advertising. similarly, there is a wind-up for as much as 10k there is an antivirus for say 5 thousand, but you need more software for 3 thousand and only so it cleans your hard drive (really cleans and not oops and why they do not disappear ...) for bees against honey.

Alexey Kazmin:

Hi, could you tell mehow to hide the indicator buffer when installing it to Meta Trader and out of the data window,but save this data for calculation?

For mql4 it is enough to put

SetIndexLabel(index, "");

And this

bool  SetIndexBuffer( 
   int                    index,         // индекс буфера 
   double                 buffer[],      // массив 
   ENUM_INDEXBUFFER_TYPE  data_type      // что будем хранить 

It works for mql5 and should be checked for mql4. I do not remember or have not tried to set the third parameter INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS

Alexey Kazmin:

Hello, could you tell mehow to hide the indicator buffer when installing it to Meta Trader and from the data window,but save this data for calculation?

If I return 0 from OnCalculate, the buffers are not displayed in the Data window


Good day and good morning to all.

Have they learned how to fix the error "TestGenerator: unmatched data error volume limit 90"? I understand it's a hole in the history on the date it shows. How do you get around it?


Good day and good morning to all.

Have they learned how to fix the "TestGenerator: unmatched data error volume limit 90" error? I understand it's a hole in the history on the date it shows. How do you get around it?


my beloved stick, while servidek did not even register in 2 days my question about the missing amount on the freelance

funds were not received de facto, they remained at methaquest, the rejection of the last dispute over the amount arose through your fault, on 20/12/19 you said by phone to cancel the dispute. similarly here you write that the balance of 2000 but in reality it is the amount of charges and the balance of 5000 is not 2 but 3 thousand. similarly rejection of re-dispute this article 170 rf, and your jurisdiction is the laws of the rf and not your internal instructions that I signed as documented screenshot so if the funds as you write received when? also notify me that you informed the other party of the problem. for srsdtv were on hold with you at the time of the dispute? were, but in a private office you have a picture that before that during the dispute that after the dispute was the same, thus you clearly and unequivocally misled me for the third time. please send to the post account or in the LK the exact time of sending and receiving funds by the recipient of 50 USD. as well as another breach of consumer rights, which I will send even in the absence of response to the tax office, why do you hide the amount of commission for your services? and always and for all payments. especially these commissions were several de facto for each payment. naturally with such a bouquet of concealing information I have all chances to recover 50 dollars and other costs from you simply for violating my civil rights and fines from the state (eg consumer protection). and the court would have to send real documents and confirm that the amount of money you received was not enough.

HOWEVER, even in pipal to me and just on the LK that day hang different balances. fees they really do hide how much and what for. consumer protection or what to write))))

By the way, the issue of reliability of your funds there... you do not have any valid documents and never have and never will.

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MetaQuotes — разработчик торговых платформ для брокеров, банков, бирж и хедж-фондов
Миллионы трейдеров и сотни брокеров не могут ошибаться — они выбрали MetaTrader 5 для торговли на Форексе и финансовых рынках! Узнать больше
Artyom Trishkin:

Thank you.

Alexey Kazmin:

Hi, could you tell mehow to hide the indicator buffer when installing it to Meta Trader and out of the data window,but save this data for calculation?

in five:

#property indicator_buffers 2

#property indicator_plots 1

void OnInit()




In four:

#property indicator_buffers 1

void OnInit()



// 0й видимый, 1й нет

Maxim Kuznetsov:

If 0 is returned from OnCalculate, the buffers are not displayed in the Data Window

As far as I understand, the return value from OnCalculate() is prev_calculated for the next call. i.e. all values oneach tick will get recalculated, as there is no data about the previous pass.

Igor Zakharov:

In a five:

In fours:

As far as I understand, the return value from OnCalculate() is prev_calculated for the next call. i.e. will get all values recalculated on each tick, since there is no data about the previous pass.

You misunderstand. How exactly to use this parameter and how much to recalculate is entirely up to you.


When calling the function, the prev_calculated parameter contains the value returned by OnCalculate() during the previous call. This allows for economical algorithms for calculating the custom indicator in order to avoid repeated calculations for those bars that haven't changed since the previous call of this function.

is an opportunity, but not an obligation. You can otherwise remember how much was previously counted