MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 80

Could you tell me please, what is the problem with decompilation when applying the build with the new compiler? Is it no longer necessary to write additional dlls to bypass the decompilers. Thank you.
won't they implement it this time too?

Good algorithms/products will still break!

If we talk about decompiling, the difficulty of decompiling may move the whole substance/industry, but not that much.

With some degree of probability, only some of the substance of the environment in which we live will change:

1) there will be less plagiarism ( however: Bill Gatz steals from Apple, Apple steals from XEROX ) ... etc. ( Marconi from Popov ) ... etc. The world - ( end users ) benefited from it.

All users use the alphabet as well, Cyril and Methodius put it as a free product as we sometimes put our own works in COSE BASE.

2) Probably and logically the price for the developments may increase. ( since it is no longer possible to obtain them for free on a mass scale and to reproduce them )

2.1 If prices will go up - we may get an influx of programmers into the industry.

3) All old developments will have to be transferred to the new MQL4 -> MQL4++ MT4++ environment

3.1 if the old codes fail to work in the MT4++ environment, but it seems this will not happen.

4) Due to the difficulty of exact reproduction, many products will appear, that seem to copy the algorithm of the original (the Chinese version of plagiarism).

and sometimes not only repeat but even improve properties - with a lower price

---- as far as protection is concerned

For example WINDOWS is broken and other good products. And it is not novices who write protections on their knees in the underground and these algorithms are not weak minds.

We can only hope that mass decompilation will become a thing of the past because it is mass decompilation that causes most harm to developers.

But on the other hand it promotes a product to the consumer.

For example, MT4 and MT5 terminals have different objectives, the products were developed to support the Forex environment and to get the client base of brokerage companies.

But if for a minute imagine that initially they would have been paid for example about 1000$ - 2000$, then on mql4 forum would have been 100-1000 themes and few, MAYBE 5 thousand users.

And mql5 and MT5 form might not exist at all.



Because the guide is taken from the mt5 product and added data from mt4

The guide is apparently normalised for mql4++ ME 875

Then let me ask a different question, now all the functionality is implemented in ME or something else will be added ????

Can you tell me where MetaEditor templates are now, in the 509 build they were stored in MT4\experts\templates, now I can't find them anywhere at all. I need to change the Expert Advisor template.

You will have to re-create it, the terminal vandalizes it when you update from 509 to beta, it erases templates and set-files, I advise to save them in a separate folder.

You'll have to recreate it, the terminal vandalises it when you upgrade from 509 to beta, it erases templates and set-files, I suggest you save them in a separate folder.

Asked above but haven't heard back yet -
how do I get the latest beta version at the moment (from the developer site)?

Asked above, but no answer so far -
how do I currently get the latest beta version (from the developer's website)?

So many times already written in this thread. Even with pictures. Too lazy to look?
It's been written about so many times in this thread. Even with pictures. Too lazy to look?

80 pages?

80 pages?

А... So the rest of us are not too lazy to find that exact page out of 80 and point your finger at it. And you will sit and wait, occasionally prodding us lazy ones. Is that it?
А... So the rest of us are not too lazy to find that particular page out of 80 and point your finger at it. And you'll sit and wait, occasionally prodding us lazy ones. Is that it?

You don't have to do anything, I'm not pushing you.

Asked above, but no answer yet -
how to get the latest beta version at the moment (from the developer's website)?

Take terminal 509, make a copy, start the terminal and in the settings add the server from the first page of this branch.

Then create a new demo account, when creating in the list of servers select the metacquot server. Log in to the demo and restart the terminal several times.

That's it, the beta is set.


Take terminal 509, make a copy, start the terminal and in the settings add the server from the first page of this branch.

Then create a new demo account, when creating in the list of servers select the metacquot server. Log in to the demo and restart the terminal several times.

That's all, beta is set.

Thank you!