MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 149


Happy New Year everyone!

Can you please tell me if it is possible to use more than 8 buffers for indicators, and if the methods such as DRAW_FILLING work correctly?

Can I have some workable example?

Because I have some strange things, although the compiler doesn't complain. Taking into account that I haven't done anything in MQL5, I may have got it wrong :)

The compiler has an error: 'TimeTradeServer' - function not defined

Does it mean that the function has been lost?


3) memory can be 4-8 Gigs or more....da and i5 and i7 processors are not uncommon...

and the 4K terminal is 32bit and if i'm not mistaken, can't use more than 2g of RAM, have you ever thought about that?

1) About only 8 buffers, most likely this is due to architecture, or RAM, I don't know exactly.

3. On 64 bit OSes max 4 GB.

1. This is an artificial limitation. You can have more, but they don't want to. Probably too much to redo.


From reference:


Returns the size of the buffer allocated to the string.

int StringBufferLen(
string string_var // string

Minimum buffer size is 16.

but actually minimum size of buffer allocated for string is 123.

When using


Initializes the string with the specified characters and provides the specified string size.

bool StringInit(
string& string_var, // string to initialize
int new_len=0, // required length of string after initialization
ushort character=0 // character to fill string

still the buffer size is equal to 123, and the example from the reference is incorrect (StringBufferLen(str) = 123):

void OnStart()
   string str;
   Print("str = ",str);
   Print("str = ",str,": StringBufferLen(str) = ", StringBufferLen(str));
// Результат
//   str = ____________________
//   str =  : StringBufferLen(str) = 20

MQL4 Reference / String Functions / StringFill


Happy New Year, colleagues!

What is the latest build at the moment? Has a version higher than 568 been released?

I just have a suspicion that the terminal is not updating itself again.


Happy New Year, colleagues!

What is the latest build at the moment? Has a version higher than 568 been released?

I just have a suspicion that the terminal is not updating itself again.

There will be no update until the fifth. There is a suspicion that you don't know how to read on holidays ;) Renat wrote about it quite recently.
There's a suspicion that people don't know how to read over the holidays ;) Renat wrote about it quite recently.

"Quite recently" - it was last year! ;)

Thank you! Really missed it.


Happy New Year to all!

Can you please tell me if it is possible to use more than 8 buffers for indicators and also if methods like DRAW_FILLING work correctly?

Can I have some workable example?

Because I have some strange things, although the compiler doesn't complain. Taking into account that I haven't done anything in MQL5, I may have got it wrong :)

The compiler has an error: 'TimeTradeServer' - function not defined

Does it mean that the function has gone missing?

The questions have been flooded with substance.

Happy New Year !

Trying to create a graphical label with text, but it does not work.

bool Graf(string txt,int x,int y,string text,int widch,int heigt,color colbg,color coltx,int cor)
   ObjectSetString (0,txt,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,name);
   ObjectSetString (0,txt,OBJPROP_TEXT,text);
   ObjectSetString (0,txt,OBJPROP_FONT,"Arial");
   return true;

A graphical label appears

But there is no text on it ...

Does not that would add to it a text to create additional OBJ_Label?

I don't see the sense in creating buttons with text in the centre...


Is the server not available or is it a terminal bug?


Is the server not available or is it a terminal bug?

The server is available. But I would advise you to think 10 times before making an update. The beta version is being tested, if you don't want any glitches you shouldn't do it