What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 40


2) Not a problem at all-

a) Every decent broker has their server address on their website.

b) The network is full of sites with configuration files of brokers or not to go far: https: //www.mql5.com/ru/forum/143102

Got it. Thank you.

Hello MQ developers a question on MT4, after the upgrade will it be possible to lock positions as before?

And a second question, are you going to stop locking positions on the MT4 platform in the future?

I couldn't find anything in aglib for models! Let's compare the set of packages in R, used for over 10 years, and aglib, which is not known to be used in trading at all.

Faa, get busy porting R packages to mql5 (it will be on quad too in a month). Econometricians will make a monument to you.
// You want a monument, don't you?


Faa, get busy porting R-packages for mql5 (it will be on quad too in a month).

1. Why? It's much easier to write a terminal in R environment than to port hundreds of packages. The description of one basic package is about 2000 pages...

2. To be able to port, you have to have a good understanding of algorithms, which (the algorithms) have been developed by thousands-thousands of people around the world and are still under development. For example, the state space models including Kalman filter are known from TAP for about 50 years, and working packages in econometrics were written just recently, about 10 years ago. The process of developing new models is constant. There are also parts of econometrics that are not known today (kinks, for example).

There are competitors to R. But they are developed, and most importantly supported, by serious teams. And do we and I in particular need it? Re-inventing the wheel? R is open source, supported, distributed....

You want a memorial, don't you?

It is obvious, you are young. I have no future, I have everything and I don't need anything, including a monument. Look at me, lying sadly on a log and looking around dejectedly. You will have it too, but later.

PS. By the way. Is there a state space model in alglib?


You want a monument, don't you ?

You're too young to be dreaming. I have no future, I have everything and do not need anything. You will have the same, but later.

Thank you, of course. But you can't see shit, you're just glitching. I'm 54.

Faa, get busy porting R-packages for mql5 (it will be on quad too in a month).

1. Why? It's much easier to write a terminal in the R environment than to port it.

Faa, here I adore utopias, but even I wouldn't play around with one of these. No one would do that. Ever. Write your terminal in R if you want to trade directly from it.

2. In order to port, one should have a good understanding of algorithms, which (algorithms) were developed by thousands-thousands of people all over the world and are still being developed. For example, state space models are known from TAP, but working packages were written quite recently. The process of developing new models is constant. There are pieces of econometrics that are not known to be approached today (kinks, for example).

There are competitors to R. But they are developed, and most importantly supported, by serious teams. And we, and I in particular, need it, Reinventing the wheel. R is open source, supported, distributed....

It's all good. But you don't even think about a MetaQuotes terminal written in R.

Build DLL-bridges, interlink information via pipe-channels, TCP, MAP-files and so on, but don't dream of what will not happen .


PS. By the way. Is there a state-space model in alglib?

I'm not aware of any.
Thanks, of course. But you can't see shit, you're just glitching. I'm 54.

Faa, here I adore utopias, but even I wouldn't play with one of these. It's not something anyone would do. Ever. Write your terminal in R if you want to trade directly from it.

Everything's cool. But you should forget to even think about MetaKvot terminal written in R. Build DLL bridges, piggyback on information via Pipes, TCP, MAP files or whatever, just don't dream of something that won't happen.

There is a future at 54, I had one. Just saying.

Otherwise, that's what I do. I just liked the idea of the terminal in R, so I put it there. If not Metaquots, then maybe someone else. Ten years ago, no one could have come up with the idea of R. The methaquotes were measured with a quickie and a metastock - an awful lot of progress. Today, anything done by metaquotes is not progress. My point was this. And the MT terminal written today in an R environment is in 3 years time the latest buzz in the trading world. It's about that, not me.

I'm not aware of it.

I've looked at the glib, but very cursorily. The math package, so what? There are plenty of them. If you compare R with Matlab (!), you can probably write everything in R, but you have to be well versed in all econometrics. For example, their econometrics package contains GARCH models, though that doesn't mean you can't do the rest. This is why Matlab never makes it into the reviews of econometrics packages.

Dear Renat!

Due to certain circumstances, I have a lot of respect for the activities of the Metakwots.




Create and fund your GNU project yourself, if MQ doesn't want to. You just need to find a broker interested.

By the way, this venture is called a startup, kudos)

Rann, good afternoon.
What kind of ECN do you have if the arbitrage traders are cutting your brokerage firm to the bone?
Do you need links to monitoring, or do you know where to find them?
Of course you do. To be honest, I do not understand what you mean. We have a market company, we are not afraid of arbitrage traders, we are even happy with them, but with them we probably will not earn. Unless, of course, you are talking about demo or gkfx.com.