The challenge: What is cheap and what is expensive? - page 8

This is the point I find interesting, if the number of castings is large and with different N, then having the best result on the new bar for a large number of castings shifts the probability in our favour.

so the best strategy is not to buy at all :)

because the number of N is infinite.


so the best strategy is not to buy at all :)

as the number of N is infinite

That's right. You have to sell.
Leonid, but that's how it is on a purely mundane level. I understand that a sack of potatoes priced at 400-800 rubles - it's nothing. Well, if it's not a sack, but something more valuable.
How would you buy then? Below the average? If so, by how much? Above average? At the average? Or should there be some kind of wacky strategy?

On a worldly level, I wouldn't go about choosing the grannies with the least expensive potatoes and selling them at a higher price, as that's nonsense and that's not how business is done. This is not business ))))

And speaking of business, I would buy in bulk and sell retail. It's a real business ))))

That's if we're talking about potatoes )))

The scheme "Buy wholesale cheaper, sell retail more expensive" is implemented by any shops, supermarkets, etc., etc. The reverse scheme - "Buy cheaper at retail, sell more expensive at wholesale" - is implemented, for example, by any industrial enterprises when enterprises buy services from their numerous employees, buy materials (raw materials, parts, units), and sell them at a higher price in the form of products or services.

If we make an analogy with forex trading, what would the two schemes look like? What are they? Selling off a large position piecemeal? Or is it the opposite, the simultaneous closing of a large number of small positions?

Please clarify the condition. Either we buy 5 bags or none? That is, will the problem be solved if the potato buyer bought 1 to 4 bags at a price less than the average market price.

As for the problem: CURRENT/CHOURRENT concepts are relative. They are relative to the present. It means that at any given time (a visit to another woman), you should try to have the average price of your purchased bags less than the average market price of a bag from the "visited" women. If the difference between these averages is not in our favor and exceeds a certain delta, then it's time to adjust your position, Valera, and buy another sack / bags. But this is a general approach - blah, blah, blah without details )


Please clarify the condition. Either we buy 5 bags or none? I.e. will the problem be solved if a potato buyer buys, for example, 1 to 4 bags at less than the average market price.

If he buys less than that, it is also a done deal, because he can buy the rest at another time or buy it elsewhere. What matters is the quality of the purchase, not the quantity. Everyone agrees that the price should be lower than the market average, but how much, how to find out.
DmitriyN: To make an analogy with forex trading,

You buy currency in bulk at the Central Bank exchange rate from the Central Bank and sell it at the exchange rate to retailers in exchange offices.
The scheme "Buy in bulk cheaper, sell in retail more expensive" is implemented by any shops, supermarkets, etc., etc. The reverse scheme - "Buy cheaper at retail, sell more expensive at wholesale" - is implemented, for example, by any industrial enterprises when enterprises buy services from their numerous employees, buy materials (raw materials, parts, units), and sell them at a higher price in the form of products or services.

If we make an analogy with forex trading, what would the two schemes look like? What are they? Selling off a large position piecemeal? Or is it the opposite, the simultaneous closing of a large number of small positions?

The fact is that in Forex one sells an item not yet bought, lent by the DC, with the obligation to return after buying it in the future from the same granny. Therefore, you have to convince the granny to let you sell her not-yet-bought potatoes for a fee in spread + swap + commission. And the potatoes eventually go back to the grandmother.
The fact is that in forex, you sell an as-yet-unpurchased commodity on loan from the DC, with an obligation to pay it back after you buy it in the future from the same granny. Therefore, you have to convince the granny to let you sell her yet-to-be-bought potatoes for a fee in spread + swap + commission. And the potatoes eventually go back to the grandmother.
These techniques "Sell not yet bought", "Buy not yet sold" can be copied from forex to other activities.


Yusuf, write an article, it will be interesting to read it and you will benefit - you will get money for it, not much, but money. Only write it clearly, not everyone has a degree.
The fact isthat in forex, you sell an as-yet-unpurchased commodity on loan from the DC, with an obligation to pay it back after you buy it in the future from the same granny. Therefore, you have to convince the granny to let you sell her not-yet-bought potatoes for a fee in spread + swap + commission. And the potatoes eventually go back to the grandmother.

If someone has sold, then someone has bought...