Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 113

So, are there any theoreticians capable of solving the probabilities in a continuous series of A tails in a row and the total number of B eagles? I'm embarrassed to say I'll pass.
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Giving work is always better than looking for work - there is no doubt.
And you bet on one number, not on a group, by the way analogue of zero on forex transaction price. Elementary spread of say 1p, consider what should be equal to the same sl and tp to balance the advantage of the casino and DTs.
We have departed from the main question raised: whether it is possible to obtain statistical advantage, using regression. According to 3 weeks of bots we can say that it is possible, with 66% probability so far.
I was given a solution on this probability by Avals, in a thread that has been worn out, but it confuses me because there is a skew in the probability, although there shouldn't be one. It's a strange thing.
We have moved away from the main question raised: is it possible to gain statistical advantage using regression. Based on 3 weeks of bots we can say that it is possible, with 66% probability so far.
What does the tester say? By the way, do you rebalance weights, if so, how often and ahead of time or not?
Once again a question to all, to calculate the probability of falling out in one row A of tails in a row before falling out B of eagles in a variety, such as a = 3, b = 4, row rorororro - won eagles. I have been given the formula, I have doubts about its correctness, so I will not give it here not to confuse her thoughts, maybe it is valid!
It's like the probability of 3 tails in a row =1/8. The probability that the next one will not be followed by 4 heads in a row =15/16. Total: (1/8)*(15/16). Did I understand the question correctly...?

No eagles are not in a row, but total, a=3, b=4 (this is for example) then:

ororrro, rorrroorrro, oooh, rorrroorr, etc. eagle winnings

tails wins, orororrrr, ororrrrr, ororrrrr, etc.

need probability of tails winnings

What does the tester say? By the way, do you rebalance weights, if so, how often and ahead of time or not?
Once launched 54 robots have not yet been corrected for 3-4 weeks, 34 of them are showing positive results, 10 of them have got into rating from 992 to 4000 among 20000 traders and Zulu robots. I think that's not bad so far.
It's like - the probability of 3 tails in a row =1/8. The probability that NOT 4 eagles in a row will fall next =15/16. Total: (1/8)*(15/16). Did I understand the question correctly...?
I suggest we move away from the eagle-reckoning topic as being malicious, and focus on BP forex.
Giving work is always better than looking for work - indisputably.
That's the 'Jewish' thing to do.