FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 601


there is a numerology program where you can find out your number and read my 9 in numerology....

you can read about yourself maybe you will learn something about yourself....

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Thanks a lot, but I'll do it myself... it's a habit)))

Just be a woman, not a woman... and life will figure it out...))
It's understandable. You can catch anything. But a rattlesnake has built-in thermal imaging, so it's almost impossible to get close to it undetected. Unless you wear a special thermal suit.)

or become a snake ))))
It's understandable. You can catch anything. But a rattlesnake has built-in thermal imaging, so it's almost impossible to get close to it undetected. Unless you wear a special thermal suit.)

Discovery is very much about snakes and their habits, it is not about catching snakes on their hands and knees with bare hands, but there are some snakes that just catch them with their hands ))))).

it is written "pick it up" ))) a woman will always be a woman... no matter how much of a bitch she wants to be... you just have to let her know it...

after that any poncey will gladly wake up in your bed and make you coffee ))))...

enough, i already have one ))))

it is written "pick it up" ))) a woman will always be a woman... no matter how much of a bitch she wants to be... you just have to let her know it...

after that any poncey will gladly wake up in your bed and make you coffee ))))...

She is just a girl, we old men do not know how girls behave, if she finds a prince she will marry and be a good girl, the rest is just that...

it is written "pick it up" ))) a woman will always be a woman... no matter how much of a bitch she wants to be... you just have to let her know it...

after that any poncey will gladly wake up in your bed and make you coffee ))))...

no no no no ))))) it'll be different... I'll get coffee, I'll get it in my beak... Because I'm a bitch )))))))))))

stop it, i already have one ))))

hilarious... i understand... i've had two... i'm not ready for a third yet))...

hilarious... I understand... I've had two... I'm not ready for a third yet))...

that's plenty for me )))))
She's just a girl, we old men know how girls behave, she' ll find a prince and get married and be a good girl, the rest is just that...

Of course... we're just kidding...