FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 420


Where are the sales ))))

divergence, D1 trend - pullback to the 3rd bottom 1.2330 and rise again. (and who did what - bought, sold, called names - I don't care)
Don't worry so much ))))) There will be sales for you ))))

Maybe there will be, but so far they are crushed at the root.

divergence, D1 trend - pullback to the third bottom at 1.2330 and rise again.(I don't care who did what - bought, sold, called names)

Igor, trust me ))))
divergence, D1 trend - pullback to the 3rd bottom 1.2330 and rise again. (And who did what - bought, sold, called names - I do not care).

Who do you take the money from?

Do you want me to call you names? ))))


Igor, believe me too )))

blue channel on top of the D1 trend. roughly like this...

Don't worry so much ))))) There will be sales for you ))))

Zhen, ZZ already tried to break once and then broke down and straightened, not yet let him go apparently ))))

Who do you take the money from?

Do you want me to call you names? ))))


blue channel on top of the D1 trend.

no breakdown do you think?

Zhen, ZZ has already tried to break once, but then he got a blockage and straightened out, apparently not yet)))

Just a double impulse )))) Still head roll ))))

Just a double impulse )))) They'll turn their heads anyway ))))
All the prerequisites are there, it's just a small matter. To implement...